Chapter Twenty-Two

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Noah's Pov:

"Is it always this dark and rainy?" Dixie asked while looking out the window with a scowl.

"No baby. It's just cause we're getting into the cooler months." I told her as we pulled up to a small shop.

"What are we doing?" She asked me.

"I just need to pick something up really quick. You stay here with Thomas and I will be back soon." I told her, leaning over to kiss her cheek and then jumping out before she could decline.

I quickly made my way into the small antique shop, waving to the cashier and making my way to the back. I got to the last turn of the hallway where the large double doors sat. I pushed them open and walked to the large oak desk that sat in the middle of the room.

This was my most used office of over 20. They were located all over the city and in random places that wouldn't draw any attention. I was only here to catch up with Blake and Tayler and pick up Dixie and I'd marriage certificate.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door and soon enough Blake came in, holding a stack of folders. He set them down on the desk and then took a seat in one of the chairs.

"Those are all the files of the people who have either threatened the business or your wife since you've been gone over the past few months." He said, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back in the chair.

"Blake this is over 30 files you couldn't have dealt with any of them?" I asked, flipping through the different folders.

"Oh no you're not understanding, we did. There were at least 20 more than this." He said, leaning forward.

"Holy shit. The really think just cause the boss goes away that they are gonna be able to hurt the industry." I said while scoffing in disgust.

"Noah, look at the top file. You're probably going to lose your shit but that's the one you need to take care of today." He said with a worried look on his face.

I opened the folder and saw pictures of a familiar man that was sat outside Dixie's house and my house that was located in Italy. I was livid because that man was part of the Italian Mafia meaning Dixie's father had sent people to watch her and myself. I was ready to burst with anger and I don't think anyone would be able to stop me.

I stood up quickly and practically pushed my chair over behind me. Blake looked up at me worriedly and started talking but I was so angry that his words went in one ear and right out the other.

"Blake I don't have time for this right now! My wife is waiting for me and I'm not in the mood to be any angrier. Come by later with all of the files and we can talk more then." I told him as I searched through the stacks of documents to find the right one.

I quickly made my way through all of the corridors and back to the front of the shop. I didn't even acknowledge the cashier again, my main focus was to get to Dixie, bring her home, and keep her there until she was safe.

When I opened the car door, I saw Dixie waiting with her head leaned back against the headrest.

"Thomas go straight home and don't ask any questions." I said, slamming the door and avoiding eye contact with Dixie.

Thomas nodded his head and pulled out of the small parking lot. I could feel Dixie's eyes on the side of my head and it took everything in me to keep my eyes forward.

"Noah what's wrong?" She asked quietly, moving her had to try and meet mine but I pulled away quickly.

"Baby not right now. I'm not in a good mood and I don't want to take it out on you so please leave me be." I said letting out a deep sigh.

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