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"the hell are you so pissy for?"

"floyd ate all my fUCKING COOKIES."

"and? we can get more."

"epel. they're from my hometown."

"oh hey look, the internet. order more you dumb bitch."

"nah floyd's gonna do it. fucker can't eat all my favorite cookies without consequences."

"i thought we were kidnapping azuls safe today..?"

"now that can wait i'm mad as hell."

"damn. wish you told me that beforehand."

it's jamil who spoke. he has the fucking safe. in his arms.

"what the fuck? how did you honestly get that??"

"i followed the plan. now c'mon, let's stash it somewhere. throwing it off a roof is boring."

"finally, he said it."

"yep. glad you came to your senses, lets put it in a girls bathroom or something."

"wait how much would sam give us if we tried selling it to him?"

"thats,,a decent point."

"watch us get turned in because they're both shady buisnessmen in kahoots with eachother."

"damn. i mean,,we can throw it off the roof attatched to a bungie cord??"

"doesnt that happen in movies..? it'll break the window, fuck face."


"why the hell dont you guys just open the safe."

"no? we cant do actual fucking crime."

"finee lets put it in the girls bathroom then."

"the one on his floor because then if he finds it we can embarass him i guess."

"why would that be embarassing people use oposite bathrooms all the time even if they arent trans or genderfluid or non-binary or anything else just because ones either cleaner or doesnt have a line."

"damn you and your logic."

"it's common sense?? have you never been to a busy resturant??"

"well excuse me for being not only an idiot but pOOR.!"

"yikes. lets ditch this safe already and get dinner my diet of mac and cheese is probably eating at my stomach."

"what the fuck??"

"remind me never to do organized bullshit with you two ever again. do we think you can actually carry the safe into the bathroom or would your limbs snap, y/n?"

"didnt you just do the gender doesnt matter speech you can do it."

"thats code for her arms will fucking snap."

"hear this? its code for im about to yeet epel and beat the shit out of him."

"try it, bitch."
"i hate you."

"you're the one who took it as a joke. anyways, where do we wanna go for lunch?"

"well, who's paying?"

"ah shit."

"i've got this! lillia owes me like ten favors."

"if you call him and he just invites us to his room for some disguitsing food im fucking murdering you."

"wow. actually, starving is looking pretty appealing about now."

"weren't you guys in this same elevator 10 minutes ago.? the fuck are you still doing here."

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