Chapter 12 - Intruders

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"My name is Lila." The Eclipsor said.

Wait, Lila? Could it be? "Lila?" You asked her. "As in my Archidon friend?" She nodded rapidly.

"Yes! Its me!" She cried. You were shocked. You both hugged each other. When you pulled away, you both looked at each other.

"How-" You asked. Lila smiled. "Simple really." She said. "Turns out Marrowkai can turn dead people back to life in the form of Deads or Eclipsors. So he did it with me!"

"What about Hex and Braeburn? Are they alive?" You asked. "No. Marrowkai said that they were turned into Deads but they didn't survive the process." Lila explained.

"Then what about you?!" You said. "Did it hurt?" Lila shook her head. "To be honest, it felt like being woken up by my mom." She answered. You giggled.

"So what are you doing now?" You asked. "Well Im being trained to be a guard of the castle." She replied. "But I find a way to escape every time."

You both laughed. You both spent some time talking about what happened to each other. Turns out Lila was resurrected to serve Chaos.

Lila was surprised by your story. "So you're related to Queen Medusa?" She asked. You nodded. "Yeah." You replied.

"Thats so cool!" Lila shrieked. Just then, you heard someone call your name. "(YN)!" You looked to see Alchemy and Chariot running towards you.

"You made a friend already?" Alchemy asked. "Not exactly." You said as you proceeded to explain everything.

Alchemy and Chariot's jaw dropped. "You mean to say one of your friends has been reborn into an Eclipsor?!" Alchemy asked.

Chariot went over to Lila. Lila laughed. "You're a funny Spearton." She said. Chariot growled. But Lila just giggled.

She scratched his neck and Chariot found it relaxing. He sat down and smiled at Lila.

"How did you do that?" Alchemy asked. "Dunno. I saw some Eclipsors doing it to Crawlers. I figured it would work on this guy." Lila answered.

Chariot went over to Alchemy again. "So what were you guys doing?" You asked. Alchemy smiled. "Well, in simple terms...


He shouted as Chariot howled with him. "Are they always like this?" Lila asked. "No. Its because we were recently freed so now they want to 'enjoy their freedom'." You explained.

"Ah, ok." Lila nodded. When Alchemy and Chariot stopped cheering, they looked at you. "That reminds me." Alchemy said. "Marrowkai said its getting late so we should go."

"Aww." Lila said sadly. "Can I at least go with you? All the other Eclipsors are so annoying." "Why?" You asked.

"They keep calling me a 'cute little girl'." She replied. You giggled but agreed. So you, Lila, Alchemy, and Chariot went back to the castle.

Once there, Marrowkai questioned why Lila came along. You explained that she was your friend.

After that, you ate a good dinner (if you would call it good because the Juggerknights kept causing fights). Then, you were shown where the bathroom was so you could take a bath.

When you finished, you went to your room. Lila decided to sleep with you. You said good night to Alchemy and Chariot as you walked to your room.

On your way there, you saw Medusa. "Good night, Medusa!" You smiled at her. She looked at you. "Good night to you too." She said.

When you got to your room, you and Lila flopped on the bed. After greeting each other good night, you both fell asleep.

But you woke up to a weird sound. You checked the clock and saw it was 1 am. You listened and heard what seemed like voices.

You saw that Lila was still asleep. Curiously, you got out of bed and looked out the door. You could still here the voices.

You decided to check it out. You quietly left your room. You walked to the source of the sound. You passed by an open window.

"Whoever this person is must have broken in." You thought. You continued to walk until you reached the source of the sound.

You peeked on the other side of the wall. You saw 2 people conversing. But they looked like they came from neither the Order or the Chaos Empire.

They both had transparent heads with no eyes. One of them had a flame burning in his head. The other one had a small tornado in his.

You listened closely to their conversation. "Why are we here again?" The storm guy asked. "We're here to see the plans of Chaos." The fire guy replied.

"Pfft, I doubt we'll find anything here." The storm guy said. "Chaos has 2 dumb units. Who knows if everyone else in their empire is the same?"

"Well, that snake lady is smart." The fire guy answered. "But now, I need you to shut up. If we get discovered, we fail our mission."

"I thought our mission was to scout." The storm guy told him. "What do we even do now?"

You heard snickering. "If we can't find anything, we'll just steal something." The fire guy said. This caugt your attention.

"But stealing is forbidden by Him!" The storm guy cried. There was a pause. "Well, He'll never know." The fire guy replied. You saw as he looked at a vase.

"Hmm, this looks interesting." He smirked. "Woops!" He flicked it with his finger and it fell to the ground. When it shattered, you gasped.

But you were heard. You immediately hide back behind the wall. "Someone's here." The fire guy said. "It sounded like a child to me." The storm guy told him.

"Well, Chaos is a weird empire. But we need to know what that was before it reports us." The fire guy commanded. "Catch it!"

As they started searching, you tried to quietly crawl back to your room. But you felt someone grab you. You turned to face the fire guy.

"A Swordwrath? In Chaos?" He asked. But then he laughed. "Pathetic." You tried to get away. "Please go away!" You said.

He only laughed. "Oh yea? What are you gonna do about it, kid?" He asked as the storm guy came over. "We need to destroy him/her before others show up." He told the fire guy.

You froze in fear. "Yeah you're right." The fire guy replied as he a flame appeared on his other hand. "Any last words?" He said to you.

Just at the moment when you were hopeless, you heard a command. "(YN), DUCK!" You did as you were told and the fire guy let go.

He was covered in poison and was screaming in pain. The storm guy was frightened and looked at who was standing behind you.

Medusa was glaring at both of them. The storm guy quickly grabbed the fire guy by the shoulder and jumped out a window.

You and Medusa watched as they flew away in the night sky.

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