Chapter 4 - There Are Rules

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You were afraid to know what would happen next. You don't know what Medusa and Marrowkai will do to teach you a lesson.

They led you to a room. It had some sort of spell book on a stand and a space in front. You looked around but Medusa pulled on your hand.

You glance at a Juggerknight that just came into the room. With him, was a Swordwrath. He looked a bit like Alchemy because he looked tired and hungry.

The Juggerknight dragged the poor Swordwrath to the space in front of the spell book. The Swordwrath tried to run away but the Juggerknight got his axe and hit him in the head.

The Swordwrath screamed and stayed still for the next minutes. Marrowkai stepped to the spell book.

The Juggerknight looked at the Swordwrath. "Save your screams for when it actually happens." He said as he walked away.

The Swordwrath looked at Marrowkai with scared eyes. You still had no idea what was going on.

Until Marrowkai started chanting a spell. At first, nothing seemed to happen. Your eyes started to look away in boredom.

Until you heard the Swordwrath scream. You looked at him and saw what happened.

The Swordwrath was on his knees, clutching his chest in pain. He slowly began to change.

His skin started to rot and turn into a dark green color. Pieces of his skull started to wear away. His eyes also changed from white pupils to a dull yellow color.

All the while, the Swordwrath was yelling in pain and pleading for mercy. You looked at Medusa. "Whats going on?" You stuttered.

She looked down at you. "Do you know about Deads, child?" She asked. You nod. According to your parents, Deads were like zombies, except that they can throw their toxic guts at you.

"Well this is how we make them." Medusa said as she looked at the suffering Swordwrath. "Can't you just get a Dead from your graveyard?" You asked.

"Yes, we can do that." Medusa replied. "But this method is a bit more... entertaining." You were terrified. Medusa was just like the Juggerknights. She liked to see people get hurt.

Maybe what Alchemy said was true: The Chaos Empire has no morals.

You heard a moan coming from the Swordwrath, if he is even still a Swordwrath. You look at what he has become.

The newly made Dead now stood there. He looked incomplete because you could see parts of his brain and ribs exposed.

The Dead walked to Marrowkai. Marrowkai smirked. "Good. Another minion." He said.

Marrowkai looked back at Medusa. Medusa nodded. "Put him in with the rest of your Dead army." She commanded.

"Yes my queen." Marrokai bowed before leading the Dead out of the room.

You stood there, still shocked and scared from what you saw. Medusa turned to you.

"If you dare disrespect or disobey me again, you too will join Marrowkai's undead army." She said. "Is that clear?"

You nodded. "And from now on, I want you to call me Queen Medusa, just like my subjects." She added.

You hesitated to reply. "But you're not my queen. I would be lying if I said you were. Isn't lying bad." Medusa rolled her eyes.

"Are you this innocent?" She asked. You looked at her confused. An awkward silence filled the room.

Until Medusa called for a Juggerknight. "Take him/her back to his/her cell. I have had enough of this childish business for one day." She commanded him.

The Juggerknight nodded and grabbed your hand. You struggled and looked at Medusa. Hopefully she would help you and tell this Juggerknight to be a bit less harsh.

But you noticed something. Does Medusa look sad or something? You wanted to see for yourself but Medusa looked away and the Juggerknight dragged you back to your cell.

But you couldn't shrug off the thought that you saw Medusa sad. Was she sad? Is she worried about something? If so, what?

Medusa POV

I watched as the Juggerknight started dragging (YN) away. But while he was doing so, I felt weird inside. Like some sort of feeling that I never felt before...

Sympathy. I don't know why, but I felt bad for (YN). Its because he/she is only a child. I felt a bit guilty for allowing him/her to be harrased like that.

But (YN) seemed to be staring. No, I won't allow anyone to know about this. I looked away. The only reason I spared him/her is because of what Marrowkai said.


"What do you mean?" I asked. "Im saying that he/she is different from the other children." Marrowkai replied.

"I felt a great surge of power in this child." He explained. "I felt a lot of mana running through his/her soul."

I looked at him. "Mana? So are you saying that this child is strong?" I questioned. "Um yes. But I don't think he/she knows about it." Marrowkai replied.

"If he/she is unaware of this, what value is he/she to the Chaos Empire?" I asked. Marrowkai smiled.

"Think about it. I could conduct further research on him/her and we can train him/her to use his/her powers." He explained. "And that will be a huge deal for the Chaos Empire."

"Hm, you're right." I replied. "Proceed with your research on this child then. If you find out anything interesting, report to me."

"Yes my queen." Marrowkai answered. "Now I think we should try asking that kid a few questions." I said.

"Bring that child to me." Medusa commanded a Juggerknight that was outside (he wasn't eavesdropping). "Yes Queen Medusa." The Juggerknight replied.

End of Flashback

"(YN) is just a weapon to me." I reminded myself. "Nothing else...


Back to Regular POV

The Juggerknight threw you back to your cell. Alchemy stood up and helped you get up.

"So what happened? Are you hurt?" Alchemy asked worriedly. You shook your head. "Im fine." You smiled at him.

He sighed in relief. "Good. So what did they do?" He asked. "Well, a Juggerknight kept dragging me everywhere.

"Medusa and Marrowkai asked me a few questions, but I threw a tantrum and ended up getting them mad. So they showed me how they make their deads."

You explained to Alchemy everything. You even told him the fear you felt when the Swordwrath was transformed into a Dead. But you didn't tell him about how you thought you saw Medusa sad.

You and Alchemy decided to sleep for the night. You were wondering how Alchemy even knew that it was night. Even through the window, the skies of Chaos were always grey and dark.

But you shrugged off the thought as you sat on Alchemy's lap and drifted to sleep.


If some of you are wondering why I use he/she, him/her, and his/her when refering to the reader, its because the reader can be of any gender.

If you're a girl, the characters say she and her. If you're a boy, the characters use he, his, and him.

That is all! I hope you still continue to read this :>

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