Chapter 9 - Related?

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Hello! I cHaNGed my username. Anyways, on with the story.

Medusa kept pulling you and you still didn't know where. "Where are we going?" You asked again. As usual, no reply.

But she finally stopped as she went in front of a cell. It wasn't part of the prison. Instead, it was kept in an off-limits room in the castle.

You looked inside to see if there was anything there. All you saw was pitch black darkness so you looked at Medusa.

"Whats in there?" You asked. She smirked and kicked the iron bars. "Wake up!" She commanded.

Then, you heard a growl. You look back to the cell and saw red eyes. When your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you finally saw what was in the cell.

There was an animal of some sort. It had bright red eyes and black fur. It also had 3 spines on its head and sharp claws.

"Do you know what a Crawler is?" Medusa asked you. You shook your head. "Well, you're going to find out." She said.

With that, Medusa shoved you into the cell. The Crawler locked his eyes on you and started moving forward.

You were terrified. The only reason why you were able to survive Chariot was because of your drawings.

But here, you had nothing. Its like being thrown into a battlefield with no weapons.

You looked at Medusa. "Please let me out." You pleaded. But she just looked at you as if she didn't care.

Then you heard a roar. You look back at the Crawler who was running towards you. You moved away just when it was about to strike.

It hit its head on the iron bars. It looked really angry now. It went to you again, but this time, it was too fast for you too evade.

It was able to pin you down. You were shaking as you could see its sharp teeth in its mouth.

You look outside the cell and see Medusa still standing there. "Please help me!" You cried out. "I don't have any powers, I swear."

Your attention went back to the Crawler. It growled as it was about to finish you. You closed your eyes and knew what would happen next.

But suddenly, you heard something. "Toxica amasacus!" It was followed by a series of yelps and screams. You opened your eyes to see what was going on.

The Crawler got off you as it was struggling with something. You saw some sort of green liquid on its body. It must be like acid because the Crawler was in pain.

You then heard the cell door open. You were pulled back out. As you did, you panted as you recovered from your fear with the Crawler.

You looked at who rescued you. Medusa? She was also panting but stopped. She looked down at you. "Don't tell ANYONE about this!" She said, emphasizing the 'anyone' part.

You then realized something. Did Medusa cause the poison? "Wait. You did that?" You asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Petrification isn't the only thing I know how to do." She replied, looking back to the Crawler. "Its called Venom Flux. I use it to poison my opponents."

You looked back at the Crawler. "But is he ok?" You asked with worry. "If he can survive the poison or get cured, then yes. If not..."

Medusa stopped and looked at you. "Well, you know whats going to happen. He deserved it anyway." She said.

You sighed as you saw the Crawler. It stopped moving and fell to the floor, dying. You watched as it slowly stopped breathing and closed its red eyes.

"How could you do something like this?" You told Medusa. "You didn't have to kill him!"

She only looked at the Crawler's corpse. "Look, child. Sometimes in life you just have to do something for the greater good. Even if it means death." She replied.

You still felt really sad for the Crawler. Then, someone came into the room. It was Marrowkai.

"Oh, uhh. Queen Medusa, I didn't know you were here." He stammered. "Take that dead Crawler out of here." Medusa commanded.

Marrowkai looked at the dead Crawler. "What happened-" He tried to ask but Medusa interrupted. "Poison." She said. Marrowkai nodded.

He went into the cell and examined the corpse. Medusa tapped your shoulder. "Lets go." She said as you were brought back to your cell.

When you went back to Alchemy and Chariot, Medusa glared at you. "Don't tell them or I WILL feed you to a Giant next." She whispered as she left you in your cell.

"Whats she talking about?" Alchemy asked. But Chariot just walked up to you and smiled. "(YN)." You heard him say.

"Aww, you can say my name now!" You said. "Yea. When you were gone, he kept practicing how to say it." Alchemy told you.

"Thats so cool." You replied. You stroked Chariot's helmet. He smiled and purred when you did.

"You're turning into a real Spearton again." You said. Chariot looked confused. "Don't worry. You have all the time to learn." You added.

Just then, a Juggerknight knocked on the iron bars. "Here. Medusa told me to give you food." He said as he put a plate in the cell. It was just bread and water, but at least it was food.

You shared the food with Alchemy and Chariot to make sure no one was hungry. You looked at your friends. "Nah. I think they're more of family now." You thought.

Medusa POV

"So why did you really go in here?" I asked Marrowkai as I went back to the Crawler's prison.

"Well, I was going to find a Juggerknight and ask him where you were. But I already found you here instead." He replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Why did you need to see me anyway?" I asked. He then looked at me. "Because I finally finished my research on (YN)." Marrowkai said.

"Well then, lets hear it." I told him. He nodded. "After taking a few tests, I finally know now why (YN) has a lot of mana." He said. "That kid...

"Is part Medusa." I got shocked. "Wait. You mean to say that (YN) is a Medusa too?" I asked.

"Not only that." Marrowkai said. "He/she also has exactly the same as blood as you. Which means..."

"We're related." I finished his sentence. I got lost in some thoughts for a while. But I was interrupted by Marrowkai.

"So what do we do with him/her now?" He asked. I sighed as I tried to think of a reply.

This is the reason why I care for her. This is the reason why I bothered to save her from that Crawler. All these times, (YN) was like my own child. So what should I do now?

"I don't know." I replied to Marrowkai.

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