The Flower Fairies/The Rock Giant

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The group finally stopped on top of a hill, and they could see a giant body of water in front of them. 

"That's the Sea of Storms," Pinkie told everyone. 

"Very well, miss," Major Mint said. "Captain Candy and I will build a boat for all eleven of us. The rest of you go and find supplies."

"Follow me," the Nutcracker said, and led the girls to a deserted wasteland not far from the Sea of Storms. 

"This place is trippy," Rainbow Dash said. 

"Can't argue about that," Rarity agreed as Twilight tripped on a rock and fell to the ground. 

"Why am I always the one who gets into these messes?" she moaned as she stood up, pushing her glasses up her nose and brushing dust off her skirt. 

"The well used to be over there," the Nutcracker pointed in the distance, walking to where he was going. He moved a pile of rocks away to reveal a metal circle cooking in the sun. 

"There it is," he said. "Someone must've capped it."

"Please tell me there's no fairies in that," Rainbow Dash said as the Nutcracker pried open the well, hundreds of little fairies flying out. "I stand corrected."

A tiny little fairy flew to the Nutcracker's wooden ear. 

"You're welcome," he told the fairy before turning to the human girls. "The Mouse King's army destroyed this valley and trapped the flower fairies in the well."

The tiny fairy whistled and squeaked at the other fairies, and they circled around the girls for a moment, mostly around Clara. 

"What?" she asked the fairies. 

"They say you're beautiful," the Nutcracker told her. 

"You sure the Nutcracker doesn't say that?" Sunset whispered to Rainbow Dash, who burst out in laughter. 

The fairies then started fluttering around the valley, and the girls gasped when they saw grass growing beneath their feet. About six of the fairies did a routine as flowers bloomed beneath them. 

"Woah," Fluttershy said, following the fairies. 

"Only Fluttershy would be excited about this," Pinkie giggled as she started running in the newly grown fields of grass around them. 

The fairies kept magically growing the valley, and soon, apple trees came into view, and they knew they were apple trees because luscious red apples grew from the branches. 

The group then found themselves standing in a beautiful apple orchard, and some fairies decided to have a little fun with the humans, dropping apples on the Nutcracker's head and tripping up Twilight. Other fairies kept dancing around Clara, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset, trying to get all four of them to join. 

"Sorry, I don't dance," Clara said. 

The Nutcracker kept picking apples for supplies.

Eventually, Clara started twirling around with the fairies. 

"Come on!" she said to Rainbow Dash. 

"I don't do this kind of dance," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and slapped away a fairy. "Why do these pixie things keep trying to make me do stuff I can't do?"

"Maybe you're the Sugar Plum Princess," Applejack joked, only the Nutcracker heard her. 

"You think I'm gonna be some princess?" Rainbow Dash laughed. 

"It makes sense, since you have magic," the Nutcracker said, and Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. 

"You've got the wrong idea, buddy," she said, slowly backing away and slamming into a tree. 

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