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The fog only grew thicker, and finally, Major Mint stopped Marzipan. 

"We'll have to turn around and go back," he said. "We've been searching for hours and there hasn't been an island anywhere."

Marzipan whinnied, and Clara stepped out of the sled.

"Marzipan saw something," she said. "I'm sure of it."

She started walking into the fog. 

"I'm coming too!" Pinkie said, hopping out of the sled, the Nutcracker right behind her. "Wouldn't wanna miss a chance to see the island in person!"

And sure enough, the fog dissipated and revealed a lush, green island in front of them. 

"We made it," Fluttershy gasped. 

"And you're sure the Sugar Plum Princess is on this island?" Applejack asked. 

"That's what the owl said," Clara replied. 

The entire group started exploring the island, giving Marzipan a chance to rest. 

"All right, no sightseeing!" Major Mint told the group. "We have to find the princess."

"I think the Nutcracker should lead us," Captain Candy cut in. 

"But..." Major Mint stuttered. "He's wood!"

"And the reason we're this far," Captain Candy reasoned, turning to the Nutcracker. "Take it away, old chap."

"I'm only half the reason," the Nutcracker said, turning to Clara, and they both went deeper into the island. 

"Shipping fuel!" Rainbow Dash quietly squealed. "I only wish Sunset was here to see this."

Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy stayed close to the boys and Clara, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash stayed behind. 

"Why?" Applejack asked. 

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash looked up from the rock she had been kicking with her foot the entire time. 

"You're always hanging out with Sunset," Applejack said. "You went to play video games with her once and it was like you two suddenly have everything in common."

"I don't wanna talk about it," Rainbow Dash went faster than Applejack with her powers. 

Soon, the gang made it to the castle. 

"That's it?" Twilight adjusted her glasses to make sure she was seeing things clearly. "Are you sure this is legit?"

"I'm sure," the Nutcracker said, then saw that only he, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Major Mint, and Captain Candy were following him. 

"Are you three coming?" he asked the three remaining girls. 

"We'll meet up in a minute," Applejack said, staring daggers at Rainbow Dash. 

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked. 

"I don't know," Applejack shrugged. "Just still kinda annoyed that you've been third-wheeling me."

"Third-wheeling you?" Rainbow Dash took a step back. "What do you think this is, a love triangle?"

"I call it the friendship triangle," Applejack took a step forward. "You spend all your time with Sunset, then act oblivious when someone confronts you about it! Don't you realize that you're choosing her over me? I thought we were best friends! We've known each other for ten years! And now you're replacing me?! Well, I've had enough with it! There! I said it!"

She stormed off to the beaches, leaving Clara and Rainbow Dash alone. 

"Is she always like that?" Clara asked. 

The Barbie Adventure: Barbie in the NutcrackerWhere stories live. Discover now