Chapter 18: Impossibility

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I clutched my stomach as Jasper positioned me gently acrossed his lap on the couch. Carlisle looked at us with pity and concern while Rosalie rubbed my back for emotional support.

"Bird, Jasper, I apologize for not telling you the moment I found out, I had to be sure," Carlisle sighed.

"Tell us what Carlisle?" Jasper asked, curling me into him protectively.

"When was the last time you two were sexually active?" Carlisle asked.

"W-What!" I stuttered.

"Uhm, after the first training session," Jasper said, his eyebrows cocked.

"Me and Alice, well, we believe something impossible has happened," Carlisle announced. Rosalie screamed into her hand, her eyes wide. I was confused.

"What?" Jasper said, as confused as I looked.

"We believe Bird may be, how do you say, with child," Carlisle said calmly.

I screamed into my hand to, gripping my stomach tightly. Jasper completely removed his hands from me to cover his mouth.

"It's not possible, Bird can't, I can't," Jasper said.

"Oh I assure you, all of Bird's symptoms align perfectly with teenage pregnancy," Carlisle said. Tears started spilling down everyone's cheeks except for Carlisle, who was sending us a dazzling smile.

"I-I could be a Dad?" Jasper said, his voice cracking.

"You will be if Bird wants you to," Carlisle said.

"It's not possible, when I was twelve, I physically can't!" I said.

"You did," Rosalie laughed. She hugged me gently, pushing me away afterowrd and pressing a hand to my stomach.

"Bird, Bird I could be a dad," Jasper said, his voice like a small child walking across bubblewrap. The heels of his hands met his eyes and he started sobbing before he looked up, his eyes so loving I wanted to melt. He stood up and vampire sped to me, being so gentle it was hard to comprehend as he enveloped me into a hug, crying into my shoulder.

"We, we did it Jasper," I said, my voice no better than his. My arms flung around him and I was crying too. He pushed away from me and kissed me deeply before getting on his knees and kissing my stomach. The look in his eyes was worth the whole universe, the pure care, the promise, the love, it was all there.

"You told them without me," Alice pouted from the door. I ran towards her and hugged her, she laughed and hugged back.

"I did it, I'm gonna be a mom," I said, crying.

"I get a wife, I get a beautiful little boy or girl, I'm getting everything I never thought I'd have," Jasper sobbed.

"Get over here dude," Emmett announced. Jasper walked forward, his shoulders shaking as Emmett tackled him into a hug. When Alice let me go it was Rosalie's turn to burst into sobs and hugs.

"This baby is for both of us, okay," I sniffled.

"This is yours and Jaspers," Rosalie sniffled.

"Not if their godmother, Rosalie Hale, has anything to say about it," I announced. She squeezed me tighter before blushing and pushing me away.

"Oops, more gentle now," Rosalie laughed.

"It's alright, I'm not glass, or human," I laughed. I wiped my tears away and Rosalie and Alice wiped at there smudged mascara. "Oh I have to tell mom, and Bella!" I laughed.

"Your not going anywhere without me," Jasper said, his arms tangling around my waist and kissing my neck. He swept a loving touch across my stomach and everybody smiled at me and him.

"Well go get your phone, and we'll give you some privacy," Rosalie laughed.

We grabbed my phone and sat on the living room couch, me on Jasoers lap, him still ogling at my stomach and smiling, occasionally sweeping loving strokes acrossed it.

"Hey mom," I said.

"Hey baby whats up?" Mom asked.

"Mom me and Jasper are coming down to Florida tomorrow," I said, sniffling.

"Oh whats wrong dear, is something wrong in Forks?" Mom asked.

"No no, we just have something we want to talk to you about in person," I said. I smiled at Jasper and he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Bird, if nothings wrong just tell me about it on the phone," my mom rolled her eyes.

"Mom, I'm pregnant," I said, suddenly nervous.

"Oh Bird your 18!" My mom exclaimed.

"I know mom but, but you can't say it isn't amazing, after everything the doctors said, and here I am, I'm gonna be a mom, mom," I sniffled.

"Is Jasper there near you?" My mom asked, her voice full of unseen emotion.

"Yes mom," I said.

"Give him a big kiss and thank him for making my little girl be able to live out her dream of making a family," mom announced. I pecked Jaspers lips and I heard my mom sobbing. "W-When's the wedding?" Mom asked with a laugh.

"We'll have to see how fast we can pull it together," I laughed. "I want to be married to this man asap," I smiled at him. His jaw dropped but I silenced him with a quick peck. "Wouldn't want to need to wear a maternity wedding dress," I shuttered. He punched my shoulder playfully and I stuck my tongue out.

"I expect to be the third one to hold that baby," Mom reprimanded.

"Fourth, I promised a close friend who is in a very similar situation to the one we thought I was in that she could help me parent, I need all the help I can get," I laughed.

"Then fourth it is," mom laughed.

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