Chapter 4: Gossip

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After a long plane ride home and an awkward hello to Charlie we were ready to head back to school. Jasper kept his hand around my waist, finger gently pressed into my hip. Bella suddenly climbed on to a motorcycle with Jacob and I rolled my eyes. I didn't care to rewind to see what had played out. Instead I pulled on my gloves and played with my necklace. Jasper twisted his bracelet and I smiled at him. He smiled back and pulled me closer into his hip protectively.

"Aw shit!" Alice said.

"What's wrong Alice," Jasper asked.

"They found out," Alice said.

"Who found out what?" I asked.

"Damn it!" Edward burst.

"Whats wrong someone talk to me," I moaned.

"Be careful today Bird, alright, just, know that no matter what they say it isn't true," Edward said. I raised my eyebrows then rolled my eyes.

I made a one second gesture to Jasper then ran over to Angela and Jessica.

"Hey, I know the trip messed up our schedule, you day or Jasper day," I asked.

"Jasper day, like everyday," Jessica said.

"Jess, don't be like that," Angela said sternly.

"Oh no, it's fine, I know I don't hang out with you two much anymore it's just-" I started.

"No I get it, you want to spend time with your fiance," Jessica sneered.

My mouth fell open in suprise and I tucked my hand behind my back almost protectively.

"What are you talking about, how did you," I stuttered.

"Congrats by the way," Jessica said. She prodded my stomach and I took a few steps back and tried to control my breathing.

"Thats not why, oh Jessica, please Angela," I stuttered. Even as a vampire I am constantly out of words.

"Jessica, Bird isn't pregnant," Angela rolled her eyes.

"Well she has been fucking him right," Jessica said. I opened my mouth to disagree then closed it and looked at my feet. "I knew it, so you are," Jessica said.

"Jess, no I-" I started to say.

"Don't worry Bird, your secret is safe with us," Angela said. Then she looked at a very angry and spiteful Jessica. "I think I meant me, not us," she said. I hugged her and controlled my every move and emotion. I was still shorter than her so my face was level with about her chin or shoulder. She hugged back and rubbed my back thoughtfully.

"I'm not, pregnant please believe me," I sighed.

"Then did you convince HIM you were pregnant just to get him to propose to you," Jessica said.

"No! He knows that I-" I started. "Am not pregnant," I stated. I didn't want them to know I don't want anyone to know.

"Why did you pause, liar," Jessica said.

"Please Jess," I said. She just walked away. Angela squeezed my hand then ran off after her. I saw Jessica approach Lauren, who glared at me then approached the jocks, who approached the cheerleaders. Basically word spread really fast. I walked back to Jasper with my head down. They had all heard. God was this embarrassing.

"Its not embarrassing Bird, its, well, normal for people to assume that," Edward said.

"But we all know its not possible, I couldn't have kids before I became a vampire I can't have them now," I said. Rosalie rubbed my back and I tucked my head into her shoulder. Jasper rubbed my back and we all saw and heard the whispers and the pointed fingers.

"I heard she told him she was pregnant just to get a proposal," one girl said.

"I heard she really is pregnant and just making a big deal of it so that everyone can see how rich she is going to be," a jock boy said.

"I bet she has fucked all of the Cullens before and has no clue who's it is, she's just hoping it's Jasper's," Lauren told Jessica. I growled and Jasper shuttered and yelped and I yanked my hand away from his.

"Sorry," I said.

"It's alright just, control your emotions better next time, or I will have to step in," Jasper said. I looked at his hand and the blackness that had swept over it was retracting back now. He kissed me then yanked away and I stared at the onlookers.

"I. Am. Not. Fucking. Pregnant," I growled. Jasper sent calm out to me and I pushed it away but it took in anyways.

I remembered the look on the girls face, I walked into the memory. Jasper continued to pull along a practically unconscious me whilst I controlled all my anger and drew it in to sadness.

The way the girl twitched and blood poured from multiple of the holes in her body. The way her face twisted into agony. The look on Edward's face as he neared me, reading all the nasty thoughts I was having about myself.

Jasper poked me in the ribs and my eyes shot open.

"Ms. Swan, would you like to tell me where your twin is today," the teacher asked.

"She ditched sir," I replied.

"Soon it'll be Mrs. Hale!" One boy in the front yelled. I growled then released a held up sob.

"Can everyone just leave me alone," I sobbed.

"Wish not granted," Jessica said sassily.

"WHORE!" A boy yelled from behind me. Blackness started spreading over my desk and I controlled my emotions and removed my hands from it.

"Why don't you show anyone whats under the gloves!" Jessica said. Jasper took my hand in his and he rubbed his finger over the ring. I shook my head no at him then at Jessica.

"Students, this is my class, now, The Civil War, who can tell me about it," the teacher said. I raised my hand. He nodded and called on me.

"In the Civil War era young people around age fifteen got married to make a living for themselves. And these girls did not get married because they were 'in the family way' they got married because they loved the man. They would spend moths courting and then he would finally sink to one knee, and offer her a ring. And she would say yes, not because she had to, because she wanted to," I announced. I sat back down and crossed my legs angrily. People were gaping and the teacher had his eyebrows raised.

"Thank you for that fun fact Ms. Swan, now does anyone have anything that actually answers my question," he said.

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