Chapter 3: Mom

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"Aren't you going to miss this?" Mom asked me and Bella. I still can't believe I let Jasper drag me away with Bella and Edward.

"Yeah," Bella said. I watched as I emitted the faintest glow and I pulled out the umbrella.

"I guess so, but I only burn not tan so," I shrugged.

"You know colleges in Florida are a lot sunnier," Mom said.

"No thanks, I think I have had enough sun," I yawned.

"I'm just saying, as proud as I am that Bird got into Yale, if you two go away I am never going to see you," mom said.

"In Alaska, they have, a really great science program," Bella said.

"You mean Edward program," Mom said. Mom suddenly decided to look down and she looked at my left hand. "Holy shit Bird!" She yelled.

Had I made something grow, what did I do, oh no, oh god.

"Congrats!" She exclaimed. I looked at my hand. Damn it, the ring. Jasper jogged out next to me and tried to play innocent.

"I heard yelling, whats going on?" Jasper said awkwardly.

"Oh Bird, Jasper this is great!" Mom said. Like Charlie mom already loved Jasper more than Edward. He was a lot nicer, and he wasn't even breathing.

"What's great?" He asked.

"That is an engaging ring isn't it!" Mom said.

"Oh, uh, yeah," Jasper said awkwardly.

"Eek! Whens the wedding!" Mom said.

"Oh mom, please, no, we are waiting, we just wanted to, I don't even know," I stuttered.

"We just wanted to be together forever," Jasper smiled at me. Mom giggled and clapped happily.

"Wait, you got engaged and didn't tell me!" Bella said.

"Bella, no one knows," I said.

"What about the Cullens," Bella said sassily.

"I guess they knew, but you know thats different!" I said. She sighed and crossed her arms angrily.

"You two are too cute!" Mom said.

"Mom," I moaned.

"So, when is the wedding?" Mom asked again.

"We, don't-" I started.

"Sometime ma'am, maybe in 'bout a year or so," Jasper said. His accent peaked with his nerves and my mom caught it and laughed.

"Well now I know how you got Birds attention, she was always a sucker for an accent," mom laughed.

"Mom," I groaned.

"Bird," she mocked.

"Don't embarrass me," I begged.

"Fine," my mom resigned.

"Nothing you could do would change how I think of you," Jasper said. He kissed my jawbone near my ear and I giggled along with my mom.

"Jasper," I moaned.

"Bird," he mocked. My mom giggled.

"God the sexual tension is killing me," Bella moaned.

"Bella!" I shreaked. She laughed and my face pinked. Jasper had a flustered expression and he cleared his throat and scurried inside. Mom glared at Bella and I touched my flaming cheeks. Mom giggled.

"Since you are getting married I figure it's time to give you your present, and yours too for graduation Bella," mom said. She had a weird fake accent when she said married and I laughed. She got up and ran inside and I saw Jasper looking extremely flustered as Edward taunted him.

Mom ran back out with three presents and I squealed. She set two on my lap and one on Bella's. I peeled the first on open and it was a headband.

"For your veil," mom explained.

"Mom, please don't go all crazy on me," I moaned.

"Bird, your engaged," she laughed.

"I know but, I think I'm scared," I said.

"Of what honey," mom said.

"Of getting married, I think I'm scared of getting married," I said.

"Oh honey there's nothing to be afraid of," my mom said.

"Exept of it going like you and dad, and I don't want to lose him mom," I said.

"Then you won't, if you really love him you won't lose him," my mom said. I looked at Jasper to see his confused face turn into realization then slight disappointment.

"I do love him, a lot," I said while still facing him. He smiled at me and blew me a kiss whilst my mom squealed.

"I hear how Charlie talks about you and him, does he know?" Mom asked.

"No one does, like I said, usually I am wearing my gloves," I sighed.

"Why do you wear those things anyway," Mom asked.

"They messed up my touch in my hands a bit with the surgery, I wear the gloves to help," I shrugged.

"Tell me the story again about what happened after you ran off?" Mom asked.

"I was wandering around and I came to a back street in New York. I saw a guy selling papers and asked him for directions. He led me somewhere and started trying to, you know, and another guy came and beat him up then beat me up, thinking I was a prostitute, then the Cullens found me and brought me to the hospital," I said.

"Sounds like quite an adventure you had," my mom smiled. "I bet some point along the way you lost your virginity," my mom winked.

"Oh I lost my virginity long before- never mind!" I said. My moms eyebrows raised and I took a sip of my water and gave her an innocent look. She laughed and Bella started talking about her present while I unwrapped my next one. I screamed and started sobbing. My mom laughed at my reaction and I flung myself into her arms.

"You remembered," I sobbed. She laughed and Jasper came our, ducking through shadowed patches of ground.

"What did she remember?" Jasper asked. I laughed and pointed at the ground. There, lying on the floor, was a little white dress.

"You wanted to wear a white dress under your graduation dress. A ruffle white dress so you could look nice," my mom said. I looked at the dress again and covered my mouth happily. Jasper picked me up by the waist and spun me around. When he set me down we locked eyes and it was hard to resist popping up to kiss him.

"The tension!" Bella groaned.

"Bella!" I laughed. She giggled and Jasper kissed the top of my head. Man. Wow was my life good.

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