Chapter 2: A Party

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I sat with everybody at lunch, Jaspers hand around my waist. I leaned over and kissed his nose and he laughed. Apparently Bella was free of dad but he just let me off easy. Apparently running away wasn't as bad as going to Italy for a few days. He might have let me off easy because I was all different now to but who knows. I still wear my gloves and the ring is on underneath them. No one has asked about the gloves yet but we have a planned cover story. I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation but I think we are still talking about graduation.

"See we have, my fellow students, we are th future, anything is possible, if you just believe," Mike told Jessica. "There, you have yourself a speech," he said smugly. Newton has laid off ever since I ran away. I think (or hope) he finally realized I wasn't into it.

"No, that will be my speech when, I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head, so no thank you," Jessica said. I laughed as she threw the piece of notebook paper at Newtons head.

"You need to embrace the clichés," Mike said.

"They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians," Eric smiled.

"That is why you, are not valedictorian," Angela laughed.

"Nah, he's not valedictorian because people wouldn't be able to stand hearing him whine his ass off up on stage," I laughed.

"Your extra feisty today," Mike laughed. I just shrugged.

"Jessica doesn't need clichés, the speech will be epic," Bella said.

"Epic, it will change lives," Jessica smiled.

"If I had half your self confidence I would rule the world," I smiled.

"I've decided to throw a party," Alice said as she sat down. I giggled and Jackson sat down next to her.

"I mean, great," I said.

"After all, how many times are we going to graduate highschool," Jasper said. I snorted a laugh but hid it in a cough.

"Like, a party, at your place," Angela said.

"I've never seen your house," Jessica said. She sounded amazed, no, astounded.

"No ones ever seen there house," Eric said with a little laugh.

"I've seen there house," I said.

"Well your different," Erik said.

"How so," I said tauntingly.

"Well, your you, your like a mini Alice," Erik explained. Alice and I hugged and both smiled and he shuttered. "That was just creepy, never do that again," Erik said. We both laughed and got back to cuddling with our super hot boyfriends.

"Another party Alice," Edward moaned.

"It'll be fun," Alice said.

"Yeah, that's what you said last time," Bella said. I clenched my teeth and snarled at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. Alice suddenly flopped back and looked into nothing. As I was in the seat next her my gaze flipped in an instant and I was watching her every move. Her lips moved at vampire speed and she mouthed something I didn't catch. I slumped back next to her and replayed the moment over and over. Every time her lips moved it was a little slower and I watched a little closer.

'Victoria,' she mouthed. My eyes snapped open and I squeezed Jaspers hand. He wrapped and arm tighter around my waist and even Edward looked worried. I watched Bella eyeing my every move so I quickly and secretively pulled out a notepad and scribbled a few words in it.

'Victoria, I am coming over,' I wrote. He nodded, he understood what I meant. It was after school when I finally got to talk about it.

"What did you see Alice!" I exclaimed.

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