Chapter 17: For Your Right, To Party

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"Get ready to fight-" Emmett started, looking to the horizon.

"For your right, to party," I sang. Everyone turned and looked at me and I shrugged. "Just easing the tension," I smiled.

"I can't believe you insisted on taking it," Jasper motioned to the cub on my shoulder.

"Do not disgrace Robin of Locksley!" I said defensively. "Your lucky I left my dogs in the custody of Charlie, we just have to hope he locked them up tight when he went fishing," I said defensively.

"Where did you even pick the poor thing up?" Jackson asked.

"You killed HIS mother and I have taken HIM in," I said.

"Can we stop this, we have an army coming and your arguing about Bird's tag along," Rosalie scolded.

"They're almost here," Alice announced. I dashed to the treeline and my gets emptied before I walked back, trying not to pass out.

We all launched into a crouch and suddenly tons of kids and adults of all ages burst into the clearing. As our first line of defense I put my hands in the ground and a wall of rose bushes rose (get it) up out of the ground. Scratches and bites peppered across my skin as the vampires attacked the roses.

"Bird!" Jasper yelled. My stomach seemed to spin and I puked, blood pouring out of my mouth as a bite sank into my neck.

"Bird, finish it!" Jackson commanded. I yanked my hands from the ground and the rose bushes turned to ash, every time an ash hit a vampire they screamed in agony. I screamed too as a pain seered through me. When my attack was finished the newborns were angry, and only one seemed to have collapsed in overgrown black vines, being tugged below the earth.

"Bird, get behind me!" Jasper yelled. He grabbed me as blood spilled from my many wounds and shoved me behind him.

"Jasper! What do we do!" Alice called nervously.

"We fight!" Jasper announced. He charged forward snapping the head of a newborn and tripping another up. I grabbed the one he tripped up and focused all of my anger on him. He crumpled to ash slowly until he was a pile of crumbled rocks. Jackson brought his hands out of his pockets and they ignited with a bright flame. He set fire to the mound of rock then the head of the newborn Jasper killed.

I ran after Jasper, Robin on my heels, I had almost caught up with Robin when a familiar small roar hit the air and I turned to see Robin chewing on a vampires face, he yanked off a nose then got an eye and I watched in horror and pride as he slowly ripped apart the girl as she screamed. When he was done he spit a piece of newborn at my feet and I whistled to Jackson. Suddenly all the wolves burst onto the field, five more newborns trailing behind them. I lashed vine whips out, whimpering everything they would scratch them or bite them to try and free themselves. I spread decay around them before quaking and falling to my knees.

I felt sharp pain tearing at my neck and I screamed. No one could help me. Robin was fighting furiously with a male vampire and Jasper was trying to fend off three vampires at once to get to me. Suddenly with a loud bark something tackled the vampire off of me and I looked up to see Dan and Anne fighting a vampire. Suddenly the vampire snapped Dan's neck and Anne froze mid attack to see her brother fall to the ground, his tail letting out one last thump before he froze.

Anne howled loudly before the newborn grabbed her and bit her, slowly suckling the blood out of her. I screamed in a new kind of agony and raised tons of vines with all my power, grappling the newborn and pulling the newborn down under the earth, his screams still sounding for a minute before they stopped. I heard another vampire shatter before Jasper was at my side, picking me up.

"Love its over, we did it, it's over," He promised, kissing my hair.

"Dan, and Anne," I whimpered.

"Shh love, your vines took them down too there's nothing we can do," Jasper replied. He set me down and I suddenly backed away, wincing for breath and grabbing my stomach as it felt like someone gave me a sharp punch to the ribs.

"What's happening to me," I whimpered. I puked and blood spilled over my chin. I looked up with watery eyes at Carlisle and he looked at Alice. Those two had some explaining to do.

(Don't hate me, I did what had to be done and I kept forgetting to add them anyway so I hope you weren't to emotionally attached)

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