Chapter 16: He Licked Me!

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(Just a really fluffy chapter cause I'm drawing this out as much as possible)

I licked my finger and Jasper wiped some blood away from the corner of my mouth.

"You know, I never thought I'd say this but you looked pretty adorable absolutely destroying the bear," Jasper said.

"You didn't even play with it," Emmett pouted. I stuck my tongue out at him before realizing my mouth area was still covered and laughed.

"Allow me," Jasper announced. He grabbed my chin and brought my face close to his. His tongue prodded my face and swiped away all the regaining blood, then he licked his lips and smirked at me.

I was kinda just staring into blank space with my eyes waiting to bounce out of there sockets.

"He licked me!" I spat.

"Which I'm sure he has done many times before just not on your-" Jackson started.

"Okiiiiii," Esme cut them off. She walked up and kissed my forehead before leaning down to whisper in my ear, "he's a little weird sometimes, he's Jasper."

I laughed and Jasper glared at me playfully.

"Oh I missed some," Jasper said. He flicked a little blood away from near my nose and licked it off his finger.

"Okay you two done being like little cats?" Rosalie asked. Emmett snorted and she glared at him. Apparently he didn't get the hint.

"Like little, pussies," Emmett snorted. I screeched and plugged my ears, Jasper slapping his hands over my ears as well.

"Emmett!" Esme scolded.

"That is so nasty Emmett," I spat. Jackson burst into laughter and Jasper seemed to be holding his in. Rosalie face palm and I got up and stood next to her as Jasper's laughter overtook him.

"Hello Bird, hats brings you to the realm of not idiot?" Rosalie joked.

"Ah just passing through before I give Emmett a good fwack," I smiled.

"I'm down for that, just don't break him," Rosalie instructed.

"I'd need fire to do that and sorry to say I don't carry anything that creates it on my person anymore," I sighed. Rosalie laughed and I walked past her and slapped Emmett hard on the back of the head before I sat next to Jasper. He was once again trying not to laugh. "This time your aloud to laugh that was funny," I said.

Jasper burst into laughter but we all stopped when I mountain lion raced by and all of us caught its scent.

"First one to catch and kill it gets it!" Jackson called. They all raced off but I caught Jasper before he could.

"Look Jazz," I said. A little mountain lion cub waddled into me, bumping its head into my shin before looking up and mewling.

"It likes you," Jasper announced.

"You know, Old Dan and Little Anne are more couch dogs then hunting dogs," I drawled.

"No," Jasper announced.

"Why not!" I said.

"It has a mother!" Jasper said.

"We got it!" Emmett cheered from a distance.

"That is now dead so she's mine," I decided.

"Your not keeping a mountain lion cub around Charlie!" Jasper announced.

"Who says it needs to be around Charlie," I pouted.

"Carlisle isn't gonna like this," Jasper said as a last defense.

"Hello, I shall call you squishy and you shall be mine," I said while picking up the cub.

"Please don't name it squishy!" Jasper begged.

"Have you never seen- oh you poor unfortunate soul," I decided.

"I actually have quite a bit of money-" Jasper started until he saw the look of mutiny on my face. "What?" He asked.

"Someday you might understand," I sniffled.

"What the heck is goi-" Jasper started.

"If only I could give you e proper childhood," I announced.

"I'm lost-" Jasper started again.

"And did I mention how much this offends me!" I said with one hand pointed and one hand rocking the cub.

"Huh?" Jasper said.

"So this is love, having to introduce you to a wonderful thing called wonder itself!" I said in a Shakespearein tone.

"Hey I got that one!" Jasper announced.

"Finally," I moaned. "So you have had some bit of an education in all things Disney!" I smiled.

"If you had said so I've seen Alice In Wonderland, Cinderella, Snow White, Pocahontas, and Robin Hood," Jasper said.

"That's it!" I said.

"What's it?" Jasper asked.

"I will call him Robin," I smiled.

"Your not keeping a mountain lion," Jasper said.

"Watch me,"

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