Chapter 36: Fighting Our Demons

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I felt my heart stop as I looked at the boys get tied up.

"Now, tell me about Omega." Maul said as he glared down at Hunter.

"I'd die before I told you anything." Hunter growled out.

"Oh believe me I know... but could you allow your brother to die?"

He raised his hand up and Crosshair let out a gasp and started to choke. Hunter's eyes went wide and he watched as Crosshair gasped for air.

"Okay! Stop!" Hunter begged.

"Who is the girl?" He asked as he continued to

"Omega is her daughter! She's (Y/n)'a daughter." Hunter said quickly.

Crosshair fell to the ground and let out a groan of pain.

"Take them away... we are going to learn everything we can about my dear Daughter." Maul ordered Cad Bane.

Maul looked up into the camera and I held my breath as he crushed it. I quickly commend Omega and waited for a response.

"What's wrong?" She asked as soon as she saw me.

"I don't have time to explain anything, but tell gran that you have to go somewhere safe. Go to a friends house... someone I don't know. Hide until I return home and contact you." I said quickly.

She nodded her head and I quickly hung up.

"Kenobi, the boys are alive and Maul has them." I said as I opened my holopad and called him.

"Are you positive?" He asked as he appeared on the screen.

"Yes, I'm looking at a video now that shows him kidnapping them. I also think he might be going after Omega." I said as I went into hyperdrive.

"I'll go and check on her." Kenobi said calmly.

"I've already called her and warned her and my mother. I should be returning shortly."

"If Maul arrived before I get there-"

"I can't promise that I won't fight him. Obi-wan he has my family and you know that there is nothing that I won't do to protect them." I said softly.

He let out a chuckle and shook his head.

"I was going to say I left a lightsaber on the ship for you.... Please be careful."

"I will... thank you." I said softly.

He nodded his head and disconnected. I quickly sped home and grabbed the saber. It was pretty simple, a curved hilt with a (saber color) blade.

"I hope I haven't forgot my training." I mumbled as I clipped it onto my belt.

I stopped outside the ship and felt a pair of eyes on me. I quickly turned and saw Maul walk towards me.

"I've been waiting for you, my-"

I quickly drew my saber and attacked him.

"Where is my family!" I yelled as he blocked my attack.

"Somewhere safe, for now." He said as he held me back.

"If you laid a single finger on them-"

"You'll what? Kill me? Tell me could you really kill your own father-"

"You are not my father!" I snapped as I spun my saber in my hand.

"You are my flesh and blood, rather you like it or not."

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