Chapter 15: To End A War

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I let out a sigh as I watched Anakin talk to the boys. I felt someone grab my hand and I turned to look down at Omega.

"Is everything okay?" Omega asked as she looked up at me.

"Yea everything is fine. I'm just worried about the boys." I said softly.

"I'm sure they will be fine." She said as she smiled up at me.

"Yea... I'm sure they will be." I said as I patted her head.

I turned to look back at them and watched as Hunter and the boys started to walk towards us.

"So, when do you guys leave?" I asked softly.

"Any moment now. We are just waiting for the order from the General." Hunter said as he slipped his helmet off.

"Omega can you give me a moment with the boys?" I asked as I sent her a smile.

She nodded her head and ran over to the 501st.

"What's up?" Echo asked softly.

"I wanted to talk to you guys without Omega here... I don't know if she knows how dangerous this mission really is." I said softly.

"We have had worse missions." Wrecker said as he sent me a smile.

"I know, but... please be careful. If something happened to any of you-"

Crosshair cut me off by removing his helmet and gently taking my hand in his.

"We will be fine. And besides, we can't leave you alone with Omega.... The kid would run you to death." He said as he sent me a smirk.

I nodded my head and quickly pulled him into a hug. He stiffened up for a second before gently hugging me back.

"Please be safe." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

"We will." He said softly.

I pulled away and sent him a small smile.

"Ready to go!" Anakin yelled.

"You better bring my boys back in one piece!" I called to Anakin.

"They might have a few scratches."

"For every scratch you lose a finger!"

He let out a laugh and turned and walked away. I sent the boys one more smile and a wave before they climbed onto the ship and left with Anakin.

"Ma'am, you have a call." One of the clones said as they walked up to me.

"Thank you." I said as I turned and took the comm from him.

"Hello?" I asked softly.

It wasn't long before Padme popped onto the screen and smiled up at me.

"Say hi Aunt (Y/n)!" Padme said with a laugh as she held both Luke and Leia.

"Auntie!" They screamed.

"How is my two favorite god children?" I asked as I smiled down at the hologram.

"They miss you." She said as they squirmed out of her arms and took off running.

"I miss them too." I said softly.

"What's wrong?"

"My team left with Anakin to go stop Dooku and I'm just... worried." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Don't be, you know Ani will protect them."

"I can't help it, I love those guys."

My eyes instantly went wide and I quickly hit my lip.

"I love them as family." I said quickly.

"Of course you do.... Though something tells me there is more."

"It's nothing... really I'm fine. Just I worry about it them."

"I understand the feeling. Now let's get them off of your mind. Tell me about this Omega."

I let out a laugh and turned my head to see Omega talking to a clone.

"She's... my whole world." I said softly.

"What's she like?"

"She's so smart, smarter than me. She has a determination that I've never seen before. She could probably beat Rex." I said with a laugh.

"She sounds like someone else I know."

"She does remind me of Anakin a little."

"I was talking about you. She sounds like you."

"I love that kid to death... she's..."

"Like a daughter to you?"

"In a way she is my daughter.... I know that I'm going to have to let her go one day, but I don't know if I can." I said as I closed my eyes.

"Maybe you won't have to?"

"Padme, when this is over she will be going with the boys... I probably won't ever see her again." I said as I looked away from her.

"You could go with them."

"I'm sure they won't need me after the war ends." I said sadly.

"And I'm sure they will." Padme said as she sent me a smile.

"(Y/n)! They found Dooku!" Omega yelled as she rushed up to me.

"Already?" I asked shocked.

"Tech just commed me." She said happily.

"Have they caught him yet?" I asked calmly.

"No, but they are in pursuit."

"Keep me updated. Padme-"

"Go, we can talk to each other later." She said softly.

"I'll visit whenever I get the chance." I said softly.

She nodded her head and hung up on me.

"Hey, Omega can you keep a secret?" I asked softly.

She nodded her head and I gently led her to our ship.

"What's up?" She asked as I crouched down.

"Well.... If Dooku and Grievous are both stopped.... Then the war ends... and well the clones will be able to leave the army." I said softly.

"Really?" She asked shocked.

"Yes, and well.... That means they can start families of their own. Settle down and actually see the world." I said as I sent her a smile.

"We could all live together!" She exclaimed happily.

"Yea, we could." I said as I sent her a gentle smile.

She let out a yawn and I sent her a smile.

"How about we get you some sleep. I'll keep an eye on the comm." I said softly.

She nodded her head and I picked her up and carried her to my room. I let out a sigh as I laid her down and gently ran my fingers through her hair while she slept.

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