Chapter 3: Bonding

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I don't know who did this picture up top but this chapter is based on it.

I couldn't help the sigh of relief that slipped from my lips when we finally landed on a planet that didn't have people trying to kill us, then again Crosshair hadn't left the ship yet.

"Not happening." Hunter said as he stopped Crosshair from waking off the ship.

"Why not?" Crosshair asked with a frown.

"Because the last time we were here you started a bar fight." Hunter said as he shot him a glare.

"That was an accident." Crosshair said with a frown.

"To bad, you're staying on the ship with Tech."

"Why am I having to suffer, because of his mistake?" Tech asked with a frown.

"Because of that stunt you pulled last week." Hunter said angrily.

"What Tech do last week?" I asked softly.

"Nothing that concerns you." Tech said angrily.

I held my hands up and turned and walked away, leaving them alone. I made it outside and saw both Wrecker and Omega.

"I can't wait to get some Mantell Mix." Wrecker said happily.

I shook my head and smiled as I walked up to them.

"Hey I have a great place we can go, (y/n)." Wrecker said as he shot me a smile.

"Well then lead the way." I said as I sent them a smile.

Omega grabbed my hand and I let out a laugh as I was dragged behind her and Wrecker. We walked down the street and stopped at a stall.

"Three cartons of Mantell Mix." Wrecker said happily.

The woman handed them to us and then sent Wrecker a wink and a slip of paper.

"What's this?" He asked as he looked it over.

"My number." She said as she sent him a smile.

"Thanks, I guess." He said as we walked away.

I hit his shoulder and he shot me a look.

"What was that for?" He asked with a frown.

"Wrecker, she was flirting with you." I said as I let out a laugh.

"She was?" He asked shocked.

"Yep. She gave you her number to call her." I explained.

"I wonder how many women have done that and I didn't realize it." He said as he looked at the number.

"Well I wouldn't be surprised if you had gotten a bunch of those."

"Well guess I have to throw it away." He said calmly.

"You could call her." I said softly.

"I think it's better if I don't have attachments to people." He said softly.


"Well it's against the rules."

"It is?" I asked as I looked up at him shocked.

"Yea, us clones aren't really suppose to date. Supposedly it messes with our fighting." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You would think that it would help your fighting. It would give you something to protect." I said as I watched him throw the number away.

"Yea well even if I could I don't think she would be the one for me." Wrecker said softly.

"Why's that?"

"She just doesn't seem like the one for me."

"And what does the one for you seem like?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Someone kind, great with kids and someone who can put up with my brothers." He said as he let out a laugh.

"Well I wish you luck in finding them." I said as I sent him a smile and patted his shoulder.

"(Y/n)! Come look at this!" Omega yelled happily.

I shook my head and smiled as I followed behind her. We made it to a stand and I smiled as we saw necklaces and toys.

"Wow this is cute." Omega said as she picked up a black tooka doll.

"You want it?" I asked as I pulled some credits out.

"I'd hate to ask."

"It's no problem.... How about we get five of them." I said with a smile.

"Can we get seven? I want to make two of my own." She said softly.

I nodded my head and bought them.

"Thank you." I said as I led her back to Wrecker.

"Whatcha get?"

"It's a surprise." I said as I sent him a smile.

We made our way back to the ship and I got to work on the dolls. Omega was quick to catch on to my plan and got to work on helping me paint the dolls.

"Can this one be Cross?" She asked as she held one up.

It was a simple black one with a frown on its face. I held back a laugh as I pictured Cross' face on it.

"Oh yes, that one will be perfect." I said as we started to paint the dolls.

We finally finished the dolls and I sent Omega a smile as I held up the one for Wrecker.

"They will love these." Omega said as she sent me a smile.

I nodded my head and we let the dry.

"We can give these to them tomorrow. For now, it's bed time." I said as I sent her a smile.

She crawled onto my bed and I let out a laugh. I quickly changed clothes and then laid beside her.

"Night Omega." I said as I moved her band off of her head.

"Good night, (Y/n)." She mumbled as she snuggled into my side.

Dear mom and dad,

I've found out that Wrecker is extremely dense. A woman flirted with him today and he didn't even realize it.... Though I guess with the stupid rule about attachments he doesn't think much about it.

It's hard to believe that clones can't have families of their own. They deserve to be happy and loved.

Oh and the picture I sent you is of the dolls that me and Omega painted. She wanted to get one, and I couldn't say no.

I hope that Crosshair doesn't say anything mean. She spent a lot of time on his and Hunter's. She said it had to be perfect.

Omega is a strange kid, but that's what I love most about her. She doesn't let anything or anyone change who she is and I'm grateful for everyday that I get to spend with her.

Love your daughter (y/n)

                          Love your daughter (y/n)

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