44. Draco

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"Protego!" I yelled blocking Bellatrix's spell with one hand and grabbing the front of Pa's shirt with the other, effectively pulling him away from the veil.

Then I shot spell after spell at Bellatrix until she ran off, I attempted to chase after her but a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I saw Harry chase her as I struggled in the person's grip.

"Star, stop it. Calm down." Moo whispered in my ear as I finally felt the tears that were running down my face.


"What happened back there?" Moo asked as the three of us sat in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place. I sighed setting down my cup of hot chocolate and looked up at Pa.

"I 'as almost to late. I saw it! She killed ya an I 'as 'lmost ta late." I rambled my words slurring together in my upset state

"Shh shh, I'm here. We're ok." Pa whispered pulling me into his lap as he wiped my tears.

"I couldn't lose you." I mumbled wrapping my arms around his neck as moo came over and wrapped his arms around the two of us. After a long moment of comforting silence pa let out a small laugh causing moo and I to pull away from him in confusion

"Why are you laughing, Sirius she's upse-"

"She's dressed like me. She looks like a mini me." He laughed looking at my outfit and Moo laughed as well finally seeing that I was in fact dressed exactly as pa used to dress in his Hogwarts days.

"Come to think of it...is this my jacket?" Pa asked and I nodded

"You left it in my room over Christmas so I took it to school with me." I smiled and he rolled his eyes

"If you both steal my clothes I won't have any left."

"You steal my sweaters! You're wearing my sweater right now." Moo noticed

"You stole my pants that one time too." I pointed out

"They were my pants!" He protested

"They were not." He laughed.


I was sitting in my room reading since I didn't have anything else to do with everyone still at school minus the twins who were somewhere with Pa.

"Star, I made lunch." Moo called from downstairs

"Coming!" I yelled grabbing my book mark and placing it in the book before I ran downstairs.


It had been a few weeks since the fight at the department of mysteries and I'd spent a considerable amount of my time with the twins setting setting up there shop.

I'd just gotten out of the shower and I was towel drying my hair when I saw a black envelope on my bed and the window was open.

I'd just gotten out of the shower and I was towel drying my hair when I saw a black envelope on my bed and the window was open

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I threw the towel on a chair and grabbed the envelope before flopping onto the bed.

Can you meet me at the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley? Please come alone.

I quickly shoved the envelope in my pocket and put on my shoes. I didn't worry to much about getting out of the house considering I was supposed to go see the twins anyway. I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed one of the muffins I'd made last night

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Pa laughed from next to me

"I've got to go help Fred and George with a batch of love potions for the opening." I smiled walking over to where he sat reading the paper and kissed his forehead

"You have your wand?" He asked and I held it up

"And you promise you'll be safe?"

"Always am pa. Now I gotta go I don't wanna be late. Tell moo I'll be back before dinner." I smiled running outside so I could walk around the corner the apparate to Diagon Alley.


Upon entering the ice cream shop I looked around for Draco and my eyes immediately landed on him as he looked really out of place.

"Why are you wearing a suit? In July?" I asked setting down in front of him and he sighed

"Father's all about our image, you've seen how he gets." He mumbled and I nodded

"I assume you asked me here for a reason? Is everything okay? Do I have to get you out of there?" I asked half jokingly half serious

"Could you?" He spoke softly as if he didn't want me to hear him.

"Could I what? Get you out?" I asked now 100% serious upon noticing the terrified look on his face and he nodded.

"Tell me everything."

"Not here..." he whispered looking around and I nodded grabbing his hand and we left the shop.

"Where are we going?" He asked as I lead him into what used to be Olivander's wand shop. I placed a silencing charm around the shop and turned to him.

"This place is empty, I figured we could talk here." He nodded in agreement before he let out a heavy sigh

"As you know, there were a few deatheaters sent to the Department of Mysteries to retrieve the prophecy..." He paused and I nodded showing him I understood

"Well my father was in charge of that task and because he failed, he's offered my services to you know who in hopes of restoring the malfoy name."

"Your father offered you up to you know who?! Like some sort of animal?!" I asked angrily and he nodded

"And he's given you a task...you don't have the-"

"Not yet but I assume I'll be forced to get it soon." He said softly with tears in his eyes

"What do you want me to do?"

"I-do you think you could tell your dads? Maybe they can help me?" He asked and I nodded

"I'll tell them. Where does you father think you are?"

"With Astoria Greengrass." He rolled his eyes

"Ew why her? Not that's she's bad, if you like her. I mean she's lovely but you two have nothing in common-"

"I was promised to her." He sighed cutting me off.

"Im sorry you were what?"

"I was promised to her, our fathers arranged it. After the war we will marry, but you're right we have nothing in common well other than the fact that we're gay. She's got a thing for Hannah Abbot. They're on a date so we're covering for each other right now." He laughed

"I find new ways to hate your parents more and more everyday." I groaned

"My mother's not that bad." He shrugged


"Can we help him?" I asked after I finished telling my dads everything Draco has ever told me.

"I thought Harry liked George..." pa mumbled and Moo an I turned to give him a 'wtf' look and he shrugged

"We'll help if I'm any way we can. Once you get to school have him use your owl to write to us. We'd have no problem bringing him to stay with us." Moo nodded immediately

"And until then?" I asked softly

"I'm afraid with you know who living in his house there isn't much we can do until he's been given his task and and he's at Hogwarts away from his parents." Pa sighed and I nodded sadly.

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