14. DADA, Dementors, and Dates

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You 100% can not cancel quidditch..... or at least that's what Oliver Wood says. Since my idiot cousin is still pretending his hippogriff scratch is a broken arm, the first match of the year was Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff. I tried to put tomorrow's match out of my head and focus on today's classes. Last night was also the full moon so I had no idea how Professor Pops was going to teach today. I'd read up on werewolf behavior and such when I was studying wolfsbane. A potion in which I am still trying to prefect. Thanks to Molly I get weekly shipments of potion ingredients. I walked into DADA and sat down at an empty table saving a seat for when Hermione arrived. I'd found out about her time turner not long after the first Divination lesson and agreed to keep her secret. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the door slamming shut and Snape strutting into ye room.

"Oh dear god." I groaned

"Where's your dad?" Dean whispered to me

"He's been sick all week, must not be feeling well enough to teach. He'll be fine by next class I'm sure." I whispered back and he nodded

"Turn to page 394." Snape said in his slowed monotone speech and I gasped. I knew exactly what was on page 394

"Werewolves?!" Ron asked loudly and from that moment on I glared at Snape tuning everything else out.

Stupid greasy dungeon git!


Quidditch Day! Unfortunately it was also raining which means that so far my dream was accurate. McGonagal assured me that Dumbledore was doing everything he could but he simply couldn't cancel quidditch. Which I know is bullshit by the way. But that didn't stop me from doing everything I could think of on short notice to help Harry.

"Hey Star?" Oliver asked walking over to me


"Your good with the heating charm right? Do you think you could put a charm on or quidditch uniforms?" He asked quietly as if it was a secret conversation.

"Of course I'll come down just before the game starts?" I suggested and he nodded.


The game was in full swing....sort of. Everyone was kind of flying around aimlessly trying to see in the rain.

"Come with me!" Hermione yelled over the storm and I nodded

Oliver had called a time out and Hermione charmed a pair of goggles so Harry could see without rain on the lenses and I redid the heating charm

"Be careful please!" I yell so they could hear me and everyone nodded and Hermione and I ran back to the stands.


"HARRY!" I yelled as he began to fall only unlike in my dream he was currently falling from about 50 feet in the air.


While everyone was in the hospital wing with Harry I went to my father's room to drop off some fancy chocolates along with a tray full of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and tea from the kitchens. I knocked on the door but all I heard was a groan in response and a pained 'who is it?'

"I come baring gifts Moo." I said softly, opening the door. He was sitting in a chair looking like hell. I sat the tray on a side table and started cleaning up his books

"How are ya feelin?" I asked and he just groaned

"That good huh? Well eat, I talk to Poppy before I left the hospital wing and she to make sure ya eat somethin." I mumbled organizing his paperwork when I saw adoption papers

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