sex scene*

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Warning - SMUTTTTT!, teasing, unprotected sex, oral (sorta). Just the basics I guess. 

Log the date and time and what you are expecting-

"5 mins to go guys!" The director, Alex yelled, making your makeup artist dab more bronzer to highlight your slightly tanned skin and apply yet another layer of the red dahlia lipstick making your lips look almost blood-covered. Which doesn't really make sense because your shoot a sex scene and that shit is about to go away in a matter of seconds? 

Were you nervous? Yeah, big time! But not because it was a sex scene.

You are one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood, starring in many indies, and high-budget movies to have your fair share of nude scenes. What caused your nerves to go haywire right now is the fact that you were shooting the scene with the SEBASTIAN STAN! He has been your celebrity crush even before you became an actress, hell he was the reason you became an actress. 

He has probably seen a bunch of actresses naked, this was just another shoot for him, you thought, trying to push down the jitters and focusing on the lines for your scenes. 

"All right y/n you're up," Alex called you up. You got up from your chair, making sure your extremely revealing, satin, long black dress was properly set, pulling it down a little, making sure to push your boobies up, defining your cleavage more. Making sure the leg slit wasn't riding too high and walked to Alex.

"So, it's pretty simple, so you guys are back from the party and he is mad at you for flirt with the guys at the club, and well you know the rest. Got it?" She turned to you waiting for your approval. You nodded your head at her and walked to your dot, waiting for Sebastian to walk in and start the scene, more importantly, to get over with it. 

Your heart stopped beating for a second seeing him slow march towards you, wearing an all-black, Tom Ford suit that tightly hugged him, elucidating his every muscle, the messy trimmed beard, and his slightly curly hair properly parted. He positioned himself just a few feet away from you. The air around you seemed to be lost as you tried to take a deep breath, but all you could inhale was Sebastian's strong minty scent. 

"All right guys, we gotta get through this, I don't want retakes okay?" Alex yelled. You both turned to her, nodding your head, and turned back to face each other.  Everything got quiet as you started into his frost blue eye, all you hear was Alex say actions, snapping you out of your daze and into character. 

Sebastian was playing, Nick, this badass mafia don who was filthy rich and extremely dominant. And you played Liz, his timid, colorful, full of life, 'secret' girlfriend, who was pretty much just eye candy.

"What the hell got into you today?" He yelled, stepped closer to you as you backed up until you fell onto the bed. "You know what happens to bad girls like you?" He clenched his teeth, holding you by your jaw tightly, making you look up at him. You just stare at him like he was speaking another language, making sure not to utter a word, pushing his buttons

"You bitch" He chuckled "You know what? I think you need to be punished for what you did, Penso di aver bisogno di darti una lezione (I think I need to teach you a lesson)" He said sliding his hand down to your neck, holding it tightly and pulling you up as he leaned towards your ears. 

"I am doing fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk for the next month. Is that a big enough punishment?" He whispered into your ear, licking a sensitive nerve on your neck, and bitting your earlobe, making you let out a moan, unscripted but so was what he did so what the hell, right? 

"I need to hear you slut, use your fucking words!" he said griping your throat harder, almost painful. 

"sì, yes sir" You moaned feeling his hand slither down to your core, hovering over it. He pulled you to your feet, and let go of your neck.

Sebastian Stan - One-Shot/ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora