Who likes you the most

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"y/n, if I'm not wrong, you're the latest cast member right?" Kimmel asked. 

You, Sebastian, Chris, Anthony, and Scarlett were on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to promote your latest movie Captain America: Civil War, with you and Scarlett sitting on the couch and Sebastian and Chris sitting on high chairs behind you.

"Well, out of the whole cast no, that would be Tom, but out of all of here yeah, I am the latest cast member." You smiled.

"Wait, really?" He questioned. 

"Yeah," You nodded. "I actually had a small role a while back, in the first avenger."

"Yeah," Sebastian interrupted, leaning forward and placing a hand on the couch, very close to your shoulder. "Do you guys remember when Bucky and Steve take these two girls to the Stark expo?" He turned to the audience, seeing them erupt in screams. "Yeah, well she plays one of them," He smiled, looking at you, and back at the crowd. "The one who drags me to the show." He added, making you blush. 

"Wow! Really?" Chris sat on the edge of his seat, looking between the two of you. "I did not know that." He shook his head, you turned around, facing the two men about to say something.

"Guys!" Scarlett intervened, as the three of you were about to get diverted into a conversation of your own. "Back to earth, we are on a live tv show right now." 

"Yes, right," You turned back to Jimmy.

"Wait, so you're not a new cast member then?" He asked, placing the flashcard in his hand down. 

"No, but I wasn't really a cast member, more of an extra then, but now I am 'officially' a cast member" You laughed, air quoting the officially part.

"Right," He nodded his head, "I was gonna ask who in the cast likes y/n the most?"

"Um, let me answer that," Scarlett pointed her finger, sitting upright. 

"Oh, um, ok," You stuttered, feeling Sebastian's warm fingers as you leaned back into the couch.

"That would be Sebastian," She smirked.

"Oh my god, yeah. It's definitely Sebastian," Chris added, making you turn deep red.

"What? Guys come on." You whined, shaking your head. 

"What? it's true," Scarlett shrugged her shoulder.

"Let's just ask the man himself, he's right here," Jimmy said, pointing to Sebastian, who was just looking at you with a shit-eating grin.

"So, Sebastian? Do you think you like y/n the most out of everyone?" He asked. 

Sebastian cleared his throat, looking at the crowd and looking back at you.

You just looked up at him, waiting for him to speak. 

"Well... I love y/n!" He tried to keep a straight face but instantly started laughing. 

"Awe! See I told you," Scarlett shoved her elbow at you, as you looked at him, giggling like a 5-year-old.

"Oh, yeah. You should have seen them on set. They wouldn't stop flirting with each other." Chris added. "It was actually driving us nuts." 

"So, y/n? Do you like Sebastian?" Jimmy asked. You turned to him, before turning back to Sebastian. 

"Of course, I like him," You reached your hand out, taking his hand. Sebastian leaned down, placing a tender kiss on your cheek, making the audience go crazy.

"If I'm not the maid of honor at their wedding, I'm gonna flip a table." Chris smiled, looking at you two with hearty eyes.

"Ohh, well Mackie actually called dibs for that." You pouted. 

All right reactions, thoughts, promotions, or venting- (I wanna know how you guys are doing!!)

Also requests?





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