Hotter than Thor

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Warning - none :) just a short fluff one-shot.

Log the date and time and what you are expecting-

Also, this is a scene from a story I am currently writing, It's called "In love with a MONSTER" Check it out!!!!

"So the man who tried to kill you, what did he look like?" Sif asked.

"He was so hot, it was crazy," you tried to explain everything in detail,

"Okay, but what did he look like?"

"I mean where should I start? he was tall, maybe 6'/6'1. Absolutely just jacked but not like scary bodybuilder jacked. Like he was ripped but he still has a soft touch, as you could totally fall asleep in his arms."

"All right what did his face look like?"

"Well, uh, you know Thor?"

"Yeah, um"

"Forget Thor, this guy was hotter."

"Hotter than Thor?" She turned around to face you, trying to comprehend what that would look like, "Hotter than Thor Odinson!"

"That's crazy!" She exclaimed.

"Jesus, I would pay money to gaze into those eyes again."

"Even after he tried to kill you?"

"I almost wished he stabbed me to death and took his time doing it just so the last thing I saw could've been those ocean blue eyes." You rambled on,

"I'm getting a little hot off your description so I can only imagine how it felt to be there."


"I can't believe he is hotter than Thor?"

"Hey what did I say about Thor?"

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry"

"Forget Thor, this dude was magnificent"

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