Brad's Warning

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Gemma P.O.V

We kiss for what feels like years. I could never get bored of kissing him.

I lace my arms over Hugo's shoulders. Hugo snakes his hand up my leg to my thigh as our breathing gets heavier, attempting to pull me on top of him. As tempted as I am to straddle him and snog him for the rest of the evening, we shouldn't get too caught up.

"We need to calm down," I whisper to Hugo as he trails kisses down my neck. "We don't wanna get in trouble."

"Sorry," he chuckles. "I kind of got ahead of myself."

He straightens out his shirt, now creased from where I've been tugging at his collar. I help him tidy his hair by running my hands through a couple of times. After, I straighten out my dress and brush through my hair with my fingers.

"You ready to go back in the garden? I think everyone has stopped shouting."

Hugo doesn't answer my question. Instead, he places one final kiss on my lips and whispers in my ear how excited he is to go to bed tonight.

Hugo and I waltz back into the garden, equipped with our poker faces. I spot Sharon and Faye on the swing seat, so rush to join them before I blow my cover.

"Hey, gorgeous." Faye yawns. "You okay?"

I can't hold the smile in any longer. My cheeks break out into the most enormous grin.

"Why are you smiling?" Sharon asks, studying my body language.

I don't say anything. Instead, I sit down beside Faye and cross my legs, pulling a blanket onto my lap.

"What's happened. Gemma? Tell us what's happened." Sharon kneels in front of me and makes me look her dead in the eye. "What have you done?"

". . . Her lipstick is smudged! Oh, my, god! Did you and Hugo finally kiss?"

I don't give the girls the satisfaction of telling them the truth. Instead, I pull the blanket up to cover my blushing cheeks and give a subtle nod.

"Oh my god! Finally!" Faye squeals, jumping on top of me and encasing me in a tight cuddle. "It's about time! You two have needed a good snog for ages."

"How was it?" Sharon asks.

"Girls. I am so turned on right now. You have no idea."

"Do you want to rip his clothes off?"

"Yep," I breathe, fanning my face to cool myself off. "It will be so nice finally kissing him in bed tonight."

"Will anything else happen?"

"I doubt it. I don't want to take it too far after our first. Don't want it to be trashy, you know?"

Hugo P.O.V

I watch Gemma giggle on the swing seat. She has the most amazing smile plastered all across her face. I'm glad I can make her that happy.

"You boys okay?" I ask Liam and Brad as I pop open a bottle of Budweiser.

"All good. I'm going to pull Millie for a chat in a second. The sexual tension between us is immense."

"You excited to couple with her?" Brad asks.

"Definitely. Who are you feeling out of Rachel and Lucinda?"

"Oh, Lucinda. Rachel ain't in question anymore."

"What about Gemma?" Liam asks nonchalantly. At the mention of Gemma's name, Brad shoots Liam a look of caution like he's revealed confidential info. Brad mouths something to Liam that I can't make out.

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