A Heartbreaking Goodbye

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Gemma P.O.V

I could be sick. One person is leaving. They're chucking out islanders like candy wrappers. Sharon and Jake are in a friendship couple. I don't want to lose either of them. My Love Island experience would never be the same without my brother and sister.

Faye's phone delivers the gut-wrenching news. Her voice cracks as she reads out the names.

"The couple with the fewest votes is ... Brad and Lucinda."

A heavy gasp falls from my mouth as my head collapses into my hands. Brad and Lucinda? I thought the public would love them together. They're like the BTEC Troy and Gabriella of the villa. Surely this isn't real? I don't know what I'd do without Brad in here.

"Brad and Lucinda. You must now decide between the two of you who is leaving the villa. The other islanders cannot have a say in the decision."

Lucinda doesn't seem bothered by the news, and it angers me. Is she just here for the fame and 50K? Brad on the other hand is gutted. He doesn't deserve to leave. Not yet. "Come here," Hugo whispers in my ear as a small sob escapes. He wraps both arms around me and the tears start to fall. "It's going to be okay. I promise."

Whilst they're making their decision, Jake, Millie and I take the time to console one another. Jake is Brad's best mate. Millie is Lucinda's best mate. One of them is going to be crushed.

After what seems like forever, Brad and Lucinda rejoin the group. He stands with tears in those baby blue eyes. I know his decision by the way he looks at me. My heart breaks.

"I'm going to leave. Lucinda is going to stay."

Time stands still for a moment. It doesn't feel real at all. The first boy that I fell for in here is leaving. If I was still coupled with him, he might not be going. If I had just given him that last chance, things wouldn't be this way. We wouldn't be losing him.

Jake rushes over to Brad and pulls him into a tight hug, sobbing into his shoulder. The bond they have formed over the past two weeks is beautiful. I've never seen such a strong and hilarious bromance. They've made endless memories. The villa comedy duo.

"Don't cry. You deserve to be here. You and Hugo have a great thing going on."

"It's not going to be the same without you."

"I'll wait for you on the outside," Brad promises. "I won't meet anyone like you in Amble. If you and Hugo don't work out, you know where I am."

When Brad packs up his things, the tears don't stop falling. This is the hardest departure so far. All the girls are shaken up. Even Liam sheds a few tears and he's the hard nut of the house. Once his case is packed and he's gathered up his last few belongings, we all get ready to say our final goodbyes.

As we crowd around the French glass doors, Brad begins his final farewells. I'm the last person in line. By the time he reaches me, his cheeks are stained rosy pink and his baby blues are swollen and tender.

"Don't make me cry again."

"You're amazing, Gem. I'll see you soon?"

"You better have a peppermint tea with my name on it."

Brad pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around my waist. I don't want to let go of him. Any little last feelings I had for Brad are about to walk out of that door, but that doesn't mean he wasn't special to me.

The villa is silent as he disappears down the path. Nobody dares to say anything. The villa is going to be so different now Brad has gone, but I'm sure his dream girl is waiting for him in Amble, lining up a peppermint tea in his favourite coffee shop.

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