Spit The Roast & Food Fights

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Gemma P.O.V

We make our way to the challenge area. Luckily, we have been spared of the sexy costumes and stripteases. Instead, our challenge is to transport a chicken roast dinner from one plate to another, using different body parts in the process.

I'm not one of these girls that are going to scream and squeal at the thought of this challenge. Two things that I love is Hugo's mouth and food. Combining the two doesn't seem like much of an issue.

Hugo and I are positioned at the very end beside Sharon and Jake. I know they could win this. Sharon is like me - I don't think she'll be too fussed. Kaz and Chloe are on the opposite side of the spectrum. They made their disgust very clear on our way to the challenge area.

The first part of the challenge is transporting the sliced chicken. Hugo has to toss chicken and try and land it on my boobs. When the klaxon rings, Hugo rushes over and grabs a handful of chicken slices. Being a cricket player and a PE teacher, I'm expecting his throwing skills to be immaculate.

I push my boobs together to act as a landing pad. Granted, I don't have the biggest boobs, but they seem to work. Hugo frisbees two pieces of chicken and they land on my chest. I then rearrange them on the plate behind me and make it look as posh as possible. The couple with the most delicious meal at the end of the challenge wins.

The next piece of chicken lands straight on my face.


"Sorry!" He tries to apologise but breaks out in fits of laughter. The next piece he throws goes straight over my head and lands on the floor.

After we finish throwing the chicken, it's time for the veg. Everyone gets ready on their starting lines. When the klaxon rings, the boys sprint to the display of vegetables and sauces. Hugo picks up a jug of peas and fills his mouth up. He approaches me with his cheeks full of food like a little hamster.

I place my hands on the side of his face as he transfers me the mouthful of peas. I hate peas. It's so hard not to gag as I run and spit them on the side of the plate. Transferring the carrots and broccoli goes a little smoother. Hugo is very gentle when transmitting the food, in comparison to Jake who could knock Sharon's teeth out with a parsnip.

"What next!" Hugo asks.

"Go for the sauces!"

Hugo spoons some cranberry sauce into his mouth and runs over to me. I know this is going to be rank. "Oh my god!" I laugh as Hugo holds my face. "Hugo!"

"Open!" I manage to make out his words through the fit of giggles and mouthfuls of sauce. "Gemma! Come on!"

As Hugo spits the food out, most of it trails down my chin and my chest, splatting on the floor. We can't concentrate. We're keeling over in fits of laughter, not managing to keep any of the contents in our mouths. Hugo gulps gravy but spits it straight on the floor. By this point, we're both crying laughing, looking at one another's bodies painted in mint sauce and gravy.

We make a few more good passes. I try and make our roast dinner look somewhat presentable, but a small child could have beaten our efforts. Half of our sauce is on the floor, peas are scattered across the table cloth, and chewed up carrots are splattered amongst the chicken slices.

As Hugo and I have given up our chances of winning, he takes the rest of our mustard and pours it over Jake's head.

"That's sabotage!" Sharon exclaims. She and Jake have created a pretty decent looking meal. "Get him back!"

Jake then pours his jug of gravy over Hugo. In seconds, it's turned into a full-blown food fight. Sharon and I run to the other side of the arena, sloshing mint sauce and mustard all over one another. She smashes my face in mayo whilst I soak her hair in gravy. "That's so cold!" She shrieks. As she launches a ball off stuffing at my head, I duck, and it slaps my partner straight in the back of the head.

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