Entering the Villa

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Gemma P.O.V

The sun beats down on my shoulders, spraying a warmth across my skin. There's not a cloud in the Mallorcan air. The sun is the goddess of the sky, painting the villa in its bright colours and illuminating the solar fairy lights strung around the door.

I clamber out of the black jeep and hop onto the cobbles. It's not very graceful; falling over would not be a good first impression for millions of viewers. I know my parents and family are watching - they're going to be pretty damn surprised to see me. I haven't told any of them I'm coming on the show. My sister, Lisa, believes I'm on a 'business trip', but it's not like I'm high enough in my job to be invited for any sort of business.

I dabbled myself in makeup this morning and threw on the most flattering white bikini I could find. My boobs are pushed up, bum framed by some tight bottoms, and white heels to match. I'm too tall to rock stilettos, so I settled for some wedges instead. My brunette hair has been curled and brushed into beach waves. I debated on extensions but knew that I would take rubbish care of them. I did however get my eyelashes done before coming into the villa - I had to make some sort of effort.

I walk in the front door, alone. The first room I walk into is a hallway. The floors are diamond white and crystal clean, with a neon 'love' sign hanging on the wall, foreshadowing what I hope to find this summer. Pushing open the bedroom door, there are 6 queen beds positioned next to one another. The room is immaculately decorated with pictures of fruit, bright lights and cameras to catch our every move.

My heart is beating like a drum. I stop, take three deep breaths, and push open the garden door.

TV does not do the villa justice. As I walk into the garden, I clock the smell of fresh-cut grass and chlorine from the pool. I lift my sunglasses off of my eyes and prop them onto my head, looking out over the view.

A distant mumble of voices draws silent.

"Hello!" I call, spotting a crowd of girls mingling in the garden. When I receive some excited smiles, my nerves are put to ease.

I walk across the wooden planks to the firepit, where I embrace each gorgeous girl in a hug. They introduce themselves as Faye, Kaz, Sharon and Shannon. All the girls are drop-dead stunning. Their body's look photoshopped into real life, like magical models brought to bless the Spanish islands.

"I love your bikini!" Shannon looks me up and down. "You excited?"

"Nervous," I reply, being handed a champagne flute. "It's a lot to take in, isn't it?"

"We'll be okay," Sharon assures me. "Come and sit with us!"

The girls and I take a seat around the firepit. "So tell us about yourself then, Gemma?"

I inform the girls of my background - my age, job and where I'm from. "So what are you girls looking for in a guy then?"

"Well," Kaz jumps the gun before anyone else. She has a level of pure confidence that I envy. "I just want someone to have a good time with. I mean fit, obviously. What about you, Gem?"

I think about my exes ... not like I have many to chose from. "I'm partial to a blonde boy. Blonde, blue eyes, a bit cheeky. Can NOT stand arrogance."

"I'm exactly the same." Sharon agrees. Just having a bit of a chat with her, we seem super similar in mentality. "What about you, Shannon?"

"Oh, shit," Shannon curses, spilling a bit of her champagne. "Sorry! I'm proper clumsy. Yeah, someone tall for sure."

After a couple more minutes, another girl walks into the villa. Except she is no stranger. Her luscious blonde hair falls across her shoulders, and she blesses us in a blue coverup and bright smile. "Hello, Islanders!"

Laura Whitmore.

Kaz and I let out an unintentional squeal as the nerves and excitement bubble up. "Come and join me on the grass!"

The girls and I trot over to the astroturf, lining ourselves up. I place myself closest to the pool and wait for the rest of the girls to follow. Looking at it now, I am very glad I wore wedges, as the girl's heels are sinking into the grass. As I fidget so much when I'm nervous, I force my hands down onto my hips and try to look as confident as possible

"Girls, you're all looking gorgeous! I hope you like the look of the villa, because this is going to be your new home for the next 8 weeks. How are you all feeling?"

"Excited!" Faye squeals. "Bring in the fit men!"

She earns a chuckle from us all. I admire the enthusiasm. I wish I could feel that hyped up, but my nerves are overtaking all my thoughts. What if none of the boys like me? Is it possible to have Love Island Imposter Syndrome?

Laura is making quick chat with us, but all I can think about is the next 8 weeks ahead of me. I've never been more ready for a relationship than right now. Maybe my dream man will walk through the door?

"Gemma, what's your biggest turn off?"

"... White jeans."

Sharon and Shannon burst through the silence with laughter. "Just boys who wear white jeans usually come with an ego!"

After a bit more chat, Laura makes the announcement we've been waiting for.

"Okay ladies, I'm not going to make you wait any longer. Let's bring in the boys!"

"Please welcome ... Jake."

* * * * *

Who's excited for this series?! And who do you want to see Gemma with? Xx

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