Cheeky Spoon & Cute Brunches

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Brad P.O.V

"How are you feeling about tonight?" I ask Jake as we munch down on some ham toasties for dinner.

"Man, I'm nervous. Rachel is so nice. Not my type, but I've gotta crack on with her to stay here."

"Just try and tell her what she wants to hear."

I'd be gutted to see Jake leave. He's my gym buddy. He's so close to Gemma too. It's nice to see the support and protection that he assures her.

"What was it like sharing a bed with Chloe?"

"Awkward. I tried to ask her why she picked me, but she just rolled her eyes. I didn't get an answer. She would giggle at every other thing I said though."

"That's weird," Jake frowns. "How are you and Gem at the moment?"

I miss Gemma. I really do. Rachel is amazing and I wanna get to know her. But seeing Gemma and Hugo today, messing about in the pool and seeing them kiss in the challenge, it's just confirmed my feelings for her.

I know that if I flirt with Rachel, Gemma will get jealous. It means I can get to know the new girl, and hopefully convince Gemma to come back to me. I just hope that nothing comes of Hugo and Gemma. If they had a romantic spark, it would crush me.

"We're good. I'm going to try to get to know Rachel though, because she's a bit of me."

"Careful tiger, that's my stomping ground!" He teases. "Speaking of which, I better go chat to her. Hopefully, I can get a good word in before she makes her decision."

Gemma P.O.V

I go for a yellow two-piece tonight as I know Brad loves the colour yellow.  He won't be looking at Rachel. He'll be looking at me.

"Are you okay," I ask Rachel, curling the ends of my hair. "You have a big decision to make tonight."

"I don't know who I'm going to pick right now, but when I'm stood there making my decision, I know that I'll make the right choice," Rachel assures me. "How are things going with Hugo? You two were having some fun in the pool earlier."

"I think we're just seeing where things go."

"Do you think you and Brad will stay as a thing?" Rachel asks. Someone has obviously told her about our connection as she wasn't here to see us truly blossom.

"I'm going to see how it goes with Hugo. May as well give it a chance whilst we're coupled up... how are you and Brad?"

"He's so lovely but I don't want to put pressure on it. We'll see how it goes, if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah, of course." I lie through my teeth. "We're here to find love, so do what you've got to do."

After not too long, it's time for Rachel to make her choice. I give Jake and Chuggs a long and warming hug, wishing them each good luck.

"Come here," Hugo pats the bench beside him. His arm snakes around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

Jake and Chuggs take a stand, ready for Rachel's verdict.

"Okay ... this has not been an easy decision. I would like to couple up with this boy because he has really reassured me, whilst also being kind and comforting. We want the same thing in a relationship, so for that reason, I think this boy is best suited for me. So the boy I would like to couple up with is ..."

I have no idea which way she'll swing.

"... Jake."


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