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Todoroki woke up to the aroma of delicious food flowing through the air.The omega opened his eyes to see that he was still on the couch but with a white soft warm blanket around him.He smiled and snuggled closer to it.

After a few minutes he felt the other side of the couch sink.He opened his eyes once again and saw bakugo watching tv and eating.He stared at him before realizing the alpha was staring back.

"Well good fucking morning sleepy head."Bakugo said as Shoto sat up.He gave Katsuki a small smile and whispered a quick 'morning'.Bakugo took one last bite of his eggs and then gave the plate to shoto.

The peppermint omega stared at the plate like it was going to jump on him and eat him instead. "You don't have to fucking eat it all,But you have to at fucking least have some in your stomach."

Shoto nodded and took a few bites before turning his attention to the tv since he heard his favorite actor's voice.Bakugo felt a buzz in his pocket and reached for his phone.
Shitty hair

K-Hey bakubro Aizawa said todoroki can take today off and you can take care of him!

B-Ok thanks Shitty hair fucking whatever see ya.


Bakugo then put his phone back in his pocket. "Alright halfy watcha wanna fucking do today,The fucking caterpillar gave us both today off."Shoto turned his attention to katasuki.

"Uhm I don't really know what to do............Maybe we can go to the new restaurant?"Bakugo groaned and let his head along with his hair to fall back. "Yeah fucking fine whatever."

Shoto smiled slightly and turned back to the tv where Jim and Dwight were arguing about random stupid shit.Shoto giggled softly and Katsuki's heart skipped a beat.

He looked over at the omega who was too focused on the tv he didn't notice Bakugo's staring.'hes going to be the end of me isn't he'He then smiled slightly as he got up to wash the dishes.
After a few hours they got hungry and got dressed.After that Bakugo gently grabbed the omega's hand which made a tingling sensation flow through their bodies,Which made their inner alpha/omega go crazy.

Bakugo started walking before he did something he'd regret.As he was getting lost in his dirty train of thought he was yanked back and a car drove 2 inches fast in front of him.

"Bakugo I said be careful!" The omega stated.The alpha scolded himself before walking again trying to stay focused.Before he knew it they were already at the resturant.Shoto grew with excitement and ran forward dragged Katsuki along as a dog on a leash.

As Todoroki was looking at the scenery Bakugo went to talk to the lady. "Table for two Oh give me that fucking table right there." He demanded."oh sir I'm very sorry but that table is reserved is there any other-" "Why.Can.You.Just.Give.Me That.Fucking.Table?"He asked in a warning tone.

"I'm very sorry but-" "JUST GIVE ME THE GOD DAMN FUCKING TABLE BEFORE I RIP YOUR DAMN HEAD OFF AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR A-"He got slapped in the mouth. "Any table will do ma'am please forgive him." Todoroki said in a soft gentle voice.

She smiled at him and gesturd for them to follow her.Bakuhoe huffed and he followed the omega who followed the waitress.She placed the menus on the table as they sat down then walked away quickly.

"Bakugo you didn't have to yell ya know." Todoroki stated as he looked through the menu.The alpha grunted and harshly opened his menu as well.After a few minutes a girl with two messy blond buns skipped up to them.

"Hi there! My name is-"She thought for a moment. "Taga hehe may I start you guys off with something to drink?!" She asked as she stared shoto down.

"Yea I'll take a damn Pepsi." Bakugo said as he watched 'Taga' Write something down which took longer then it needed to.She then smiled widely and looked back at Todoroki. "I'll just take a wate-" "May I suggest a strawberry lemonade!" She cut him off.

Bakugo growled and glared at her. "Uh sure?" She nodded and skipped away.They two males gave a confusing look to each other before going back to the menu.After a few minutes a different waitress came and gave them their drinks.

Both were very much confused but brushed it off cause they were starving. "Okay! Are you guys ready to order?" Bakugo looked over to Todoroki to which he nodded.

"I'll just take a cold soba please!" Shoto said as the waiter wrote it down then turned to Katsuki. "I'll fucking take fucking rice balls and and sushi." "Oh I'm very sorry sir but we are out of rice so-" "THEN WHY THE FUCK IS IT ON THE MENU?!"

The poor omega sighed and banged his head on the table. "Sir please calm down!" "I'LL JUST TAKE THE FUCKING SUSHI THEN!"She nodded and quicky walked back to the kitchen. "Bakugo WhY!"

"Why the fuck would they put it on the fucking menu if they don't fucking have it.It's complete bullshit!" Shoto sighed and smiled slightly.After a few more minutes of talking about random shit the waitress came back with their food.

"Took you long enough hag." The lady rolled her eyes and and gently placed Shoto's plate infrong of him as he said a quick 'Thank you'.She then purposely dropped some Sushi on Katsuki while giving him his plate.

As he was going to yell at her she ran away laughing like an idiot about to get killed.Bakugo cursed under his breath as he picked up the dropped Sushi on his lap.Todoroki laughed out a 'you deserved it' before he stopped due to Bakugo's glare.

After they ate,The waitress came back with a slightly smile. "Do you guys want your recipe?-" "WELL NO FUCKING SHAT!?" She nodded and ran back laughing again.
After they ate they decided to go to the park cause why not?They sat at a bench as Shoto ate his ice cream that Katsuki bought.

As he finished Bakugo noticed some ice cream smudge on the corner of his mouth and took the chance.He leaned toward the omega and licked the ice cream off.

Shoto blushed and made eye contact with the alpha as Bakugo broke eye contact staring at the others lips.He suddenly started leaning in to which the omega also leaned into.The space in between them decrease and both could feel the others breath on their faces.

Uhmmmmmmmm yeaaaaaa................... Damn cya STAY FUCKING HEALTHY ILY GUYS
1111 words

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