chapter 07

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2 more years. 2 more years and you're out of this hellhole.

I tend to always remind myself that because of my guy best friend, he was always there when my parents were assholes to me or life was eating my ass and I couldn't stand it anymore. I always told myself to never rely on him because I liked him, yet I never really cared. I relied on him anyways and he saw that, so he started to become distant from me. Hurt me in the worst way possible because he knew so much compared to Tully at the time.

There were nights I would bawl my eyes out and he wasn't there. I would cry about the way you treat me and how your husband aka my dad would bite his tongue and watch you yell at me. It was about any and everything you could possibly think of; my dog, my siblings, things they did, and things I lacked.

You forced me to grow up too fast, I followed your every rule yet you still felt the need to yell at me, lack of that motherly comfort, lack of letting me live life as a teenager. I was watching my siblings by age 13 maybe 12 it's still fuzzy all by myself yet I can't go anywhere because he was too young to watch themselves. So I had to quit sports, quit being a teenager, and hanging out with my friends.

Age 16 was the worst year living with you. You started to control where I could plan to go to college, I was the only friend who couldn't drive, I had the money saved for everything yet you felt the need to tell me I couldn't spend it. "Save it for important things" or "Things you could eat" you would tell me.

Then you started to care about the boys more than me. So Cruz helped me plan my getaway, it was risky of course I mean at age 17 I was gonna risk it all to get away from you. But I didn't have other family members on your side that cared about me. So I became closer to dad's family and found people, a family my tia and tio who treated me as one of their own. So with their help, I waited till 18.

One night you came home from work, you knew I was going to Tully's house. Leo was barking nonstop because you wouldn't stop holding him the way he didn't like to be held, I reminded you every time but you didn't care. I was grabbing last minute things before texting Tully to head over when you came into my room yelling at me.

"Where are you going?" You barked looking at me pack my things.

"Tullys. She's on her way." I responded texting her to head over.

"You know your dog is hungry? You never feed him, if you ask me that's a terrible thing to do as his owner"

Rolling my eyes I grabbed my bag and turned to look at her, "His food bowl hasn't been touched in months. He eats the food YOU give him."

I was about to walk out when you moved more in my way. Staring you down trying not to show you fear, but you could read me like the back of your hand.

"You don't speak to me like that. I don't like this attitude you have, I didn't raise you like this. You should know better." She stepped forward trying to close the large gap between us.

"I've kept my mouth shut for 4 years. If you truly want to see the mini me you raised be my guest."

Before I knew it I was holding my left cheek from the unexpected slap you gave me. You were never one to hit her kids, let alone kill a bug. So for you to do this was a huge shock.

Turning back to look at you, you stared at me with regret. Was it regret of hitting me? Or regret of me as your daughter in general?

"Mom of the year everybody! Hitting her own daughter because she can't handle the pain she caused her. That's right mom, PAIN! YOU'VE CAUSED ME SO MUCH PAIN I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW I'M STILL STANDING HERE!!"

"Marisol Maria Pinto. Watch your tone."

"No. It's my turn to speak while you stay qui-"


That one world had caught me off guard. Looking back at you your eyes looked around the room, avoiding eye contact. I knew you didn't mean it, it was at the moment. But I left to Tully's anyway and kept my mouth shut about what happened.

Texting tia the next morning, moving in with them had become official. I no longer had to wait till 18 of course you weren't aware of this. Since no one knew about this my main worry became my brothers, how was I so selfish to leave them alone to deal with you without being able to defend them. I knew I wasn't going to see them for a while but I needed to get out of there.

A few days later I packed all my things and left. I never looked back.

I lived with tia and tio in Utah. They took me in as a daughter rather than a niece, growing up it was me, Sofia, Dylan, and Lucas. Over time they started to call me their sister instead of their cousin, so they were my siblings along with Cruz and Ruben. Ruben and I used to be so close, but as he grew up he started to become your favorite.

I went to college, I met Josh, moved to New York with Tully, got back with Josh, and had Mila. Cruz reached out to me and we became close again, he became my insider with everything that went on in the house.

It's been 5 years since we've last talked. Since I've heard you talk, or seen you in person. I always wonder what you tell family members when they ask about me, you probably tell them how proud you are that I'm doing well in life just like you planned for me.

It's been 5 years since I've been able to look at life the right way and not cry every night thinking about what I did wrong and what I can do to make you appreciate me more since I've last talked to him and since I was slapped by you.


Thought I would throw in a biiiiiitttt of background ya know?

Also allows for a better time skip :p

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