chapter 06

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Maya was always someone I could rely on to give me a push when needed. Sometimes the push was never needed and she chose to do it to embarrass me. Either way, I knew that it would never end in my favor. Standing next to the strollers, I put Grayson back in his stroller.

"Marisol, you must tell me about that guy you were telling me about. You know the one you called very dreamy?" She said a bit louder than expected.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I responded dully while buckling in Grayson.

Standing up fully and turning around I see Harry standing next to our table holding Mila, "Yea Marisol, what dreamy guy?" He said flashing me his bright smile.

He had put his sunglasses on top of his head, he was wearing black skinny jeans with a white t-shirt. He was wearing a cross necklace that Mila was playing with while laying against his shoulder.

"Uh- Hey Harry." I said giving him a smile and looking at Maya who was trying not to laugh.

"Are you not going to explain the dreamy guy? I think we'd like to know who you're dreaming of being with." He said studying my reaction.

"I would truly love to, but then he wouldn't be so dreamy would he?" I said tilting my head to the side trying not to satisfy him.

Laughing and looking off to the side Harry turns his attention to Mila. He looks at me before giving me a grin and whispering something to her, looking at Maya she shrugs and looks back at the pair. Mila babbles back to him trying to respond making Harry nod along and letting her speak her mind.

Maya laughs and gets up saying goodbye as Grayson had fallen asleep and had to get to work soon. Leaving the two of us alone. Pushing her stroller beside Harry I look at Mila to see if she's ready to go only for her to be cuddled up with Harry.

"I swear she loves you more than her own mother." I said shaking my head and looking back at him causing him to laugh.

"How have you been?" He asks trying to keep the conversation going

"I'm doing good, dealing with the usual mom things ya know? How about you?" I said leaning against the stroller.

"I'm actually here to meet Niall." I nodded for him to continue, "He's planning this costume party as a way to kick start the month of October. As usual he wants it to be huge."

"He really is still young at heart." I smiled at the thought of Niall and Harry partying.

"They're usually really fun! I swear!" He begins to defend himself, "You should come, I'm sure Talia was going to drag you to it."

"I don't know Harry, going to a party let alone a costume party doesn't sound like an ideal night." I sigh dramatically.

"Ughh, I swear it is. I'm sure Mila's grandparents wouldn't mind watching her for a night. And I bet you wouldn't mind getting loose a bit and having an excuse to dress up." He points a finger at me before waving it everywhere.

"She'll be there," Maya says standing up "And best believe she's going to look hot." She sends him a wink before walking beside me and pulling me into a hug.

After saying our goodbyes, it was just Harry and me once again. Watching him with Mila never failed to put a smile on my face. He just seemed like a natural with babies and he looks like he would fit the father role.

Josh never really did fit the father role, nor does he have the looks for a father role. In a way, I felt sorry for him there yet I feel like I shouldn't because it's the universe's way of saving me from him. And Mila.

"You know Marisol if you have feelings for me or think I'm rather dreamy  you can tell me right?" Harry says pulling me from my thoughts sending me a wide grin.

"Oh shut up. I'm sure Niall is mad that you're not with him. So if you could hand me my baby that would be great." I extended my arms for him to hand me Mila only for him to put her in the stroller himself.

"There you go princess, I'll see you soon." He whispers to her before standing back up turning his attention towards me, "And I hope to see you at the party."

"I don't know Harry, I might have work or Mila might magically have something that night." I shrug and start to walk away from him.

"Hey!" Harry yells causing me to turn around, "Where's my goodbye?"

"Goodbye Harry!" I yell back waving before shaking my head and continuing to walk away


While doing some light cleaning around the house I began to think about the invite Harry said to me about the party. Maybe it could be fun, yet at the same time, I can't help but feel guilty about Mila.

Looking over at Mila she was busy staring at the movie I put on to entertain her, she reminded me so much of Sofia growing up. From the way she would hunch over while sitting, to her little eyebrows furrowing when she would try to focus on things. I always felt guilty about her growing up alone without a friend around.

I always think about getting her dog since we're in a good place right now. But, sometimes I think she wouldn't enjoy a dog around since she's so young.

Pulling me out of my thoughts my phone began to ring.


"You told me to call next time she's near you guys, and I think she brought him and they're staying a while." He spits out quickly.

"Okay woah breathe." I said starting to panic, "what do you mean they're here for a while?"

"Well I was talking to tia and she told me they were coming to town for a while but never shared why. So I called them and asked myself seeming like a son who cares about his parents and she told me they're staying awhile as a getaway together."

"You're shitting me. You have to be shitting me."

Running into my room I grab the duffle bag that was in the back of my closet, heading to Mila's to grab her diaper bag.

"Don't grab the bags quick yet, I think they're going for a different reason." He said stopping me in my tracks. "Remember the deal we made, you would be fine there and if worst case scenario happened we would switch places. Also the main reason I randomly have a crib in my house." He laughed

"You're right, I'm sorry. Keep me posted on everything please."

And just like that I was putting both bags back in the closet and called it a night.


At first I had no idea what my plot was but I think we're getting somewhere now :)

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