chapter 08

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Work at the restaurant for the past few days has been going really well, I've started to become friends with some of my coworkers. Every day it was the same routine, answer the phone and write any orders for pick up. Memorizing how to write some of the foods has been a bit tricky but  Asher has been a huge help.

Asher has been there a lot recently to give me a helping hand which a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. There was one day we got slammed and some customers were really rude, but Asher was able to find a way to help distract them from the long wait they had waiting for a table to sit at. Or when it came to customers being rude on the phone he helped me find ways to deal with them or to find a way to find a small justice even if they weren't happy.

Tully has been trying to convince me to go to Niall's party with her. Once I agreed to go she started to plan our costumes together. I decided it would be nice to invite Maya as well, seeing that she was involved somehow. Maya and Tully never really had the chance to hang out and get to know each other so I decided to have a little sleepover hangout for us.

My mom had offered to watch Mila for me, so it would truly be easier for me to get alone time with them.

Looking around the store for snacks with Tully felt like a never ending trip. We would get so distracted on what to get and what not to get, we ended up going with easy snacks like chips, candy, and cookies. We decided to get tacos and guacamole from my work for dinner.

"Do you wanna go in with me or wait in the car?" I asked Tully grabbing my wallet from my bag.

"I'm obviously going in, what if some rando tries to take you?" She says looking me dead in the eye.

"Whatever you say." I laughed getting out of the car.

Walking in I instantly a smell that reminds me of meals my mom would make back home.

"Sol hey! Missed me already?" Asher walked up to us

"Haha so funny. I'm actually here to get dinner for a girls night with my friends." I tilt my head towards the register.

"Ooh okay," He makes his way. "Who's your friend?"

"I'm Talia" She smiled

"Asher, nice to meet you."

Grabbing the food I turned towards Tully to hand it to her to hold. Grabbing it I turned to Asher and finished paying.

"How has working been tonight?" I try to make small talk.

"It was slow you know, boring without you here." He winked

I pretend to gag and look at him, "You're going to kill me before getting my first paycheck here."

"You love me and you know it." He leaned against the counter to lean closer to me.

"You wish I did. Bet you'll be thinking about me once I walk out of here" I lean closer, "Wishing how you could take me on a date, possibly end the night with a goodnight kiss huh?"

He never said anything after, he just looked between my eyes trying to form the right words to come out. He stayed quiet for a while before looking away and then looking back at me.

"I gotta go. Don't think about me too much." I winked pulling away and heading out the door with Tully following behind me.

Getting in the car I wait for her as she leaves the food in the backseat. Pulling my phone out to text Maya to head over my phone gets pulled out of my hands causing me to look at her.

"What the ACTUAL fuck Marisol."

"What?" I look at her confused

"So we're not gonna talk about what just fucking happened? How you literally made a move on him and walked away before he could say anything?" She points towards the restaurant and hands me my phone back.

I laughed. I laughed so hard I started to cry.

"I'm being serious, what the fuck is so funny?" She turned back around and started to drive back to my house.

"That's how we are, he'll act like a flirt then says something negative to annoy me. I simply give him a taste of his own medicine." I shrugged

"Medicine my ass." She mumbled

"Tully I swear to you it's nothing I wouldn't tell you about. He wouldn't even ask me on a date or even think about me like, plus I think he has a girlfriend."

Asher was never one to really talk about his family or personal life unless someone asked him about it. He seems like a private yet open guy, it was clear that he loves kids, by the way, he asked me about Mila.

One day at work I had left my phone under the counter and Tully was blowing up my phone about the party Niall was having. Well, I guess the vibration of the notifications caught Asher's attention that he saw my lockscreen and asked me about the baby in the picture with me. (Picture above)

Pulling up to a red light she turns her attention towards me.

"Let's make a bet." She says causing me to look at her

"Depends.." I responded lifting an eyebrow at her

"If he asks you on a date you have to say yes" She smirks towards me

"And if he doesn't?" I question

"Oh trust me, there won't be a if he doesn't"


"Okay wait so we're shipping her with Asher and not Harry?" Maya questioned eating her third taco

It has been a good 10 minutes of Tully trying to convince Maya that if Harry or Asher were to ask me on a date that Asher would be a clear choice.

"For right now yes." Tully says walking back into the living room with another glass of wine for everyone

"Okay don't we think I should get a say?" I raised my hand before resting my arm on my head looking at both of them.

"No." They answered at the same time.

Getting up from the couch I walk into my room and grab a blanket since I was getting a bit cold. I look over at the chair in the corner looking for a certain blanket when I see the hat I had worn when I met Harry. Walking over I pick it up and smile thinking about the memories and events from that night.

Harry was in touch every now and then, also bugging me about going to the party. But checked in with how we were doing or if I ever needed anything. He hasn't texted me in a couple days main reason being was work. All he would tell me is that he was working as hard as he could so he would have more free days, I always wondered what he did for a living.

Niall would talk to me about Tully and when he could babysit Mila. The three of us, including Mila, would group facetime for hours and talk about any and everything. It felted nice knowing that Tully wanted Niall and me to get along and have a close bond.

For some reason, I felt guilty. I have talked to Niall more than I have talked to Harry. I shouldn't have a reason to feel guilty .. right? I mean it's not like he's waiting for me to text him.

"Hey, you coming?" Tully pulled me out of my thoughts as she walked over to the bed to sit on it.

Turning my head to look at her and smile, "Yea I was just looking for my blanket."

Turning my head back around I place the hat back down and grabbed the blanket. I turn around to walk out when Tully grabs my arm stopping me.

"Text him, I bet he's dying without talking to you." She emphases dying.

"I don't know what or who you're talking about." I shrug and walk back into the living room.


yuhyuhyuh we're getting to the juicy things :P

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