Chapter 11

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Soon enough we had told everyone about our relationship, including our families. My family is surprisingly supportive, they told me that they're looking forward to meet Kate personally. Everything is going so well.

"Baby, come here" she stepped close and I fixed a Mickey Mouse headband on top of her head. She smiled so big, her eyes were almost closing, she's so cute; I can't help but steal a peck. She pouted but then soon enough smiled brightly and took my hand.

"Annie let's go there next" Kate said as she pointed at the Disney parade where the characters are going around on their own floats, I happily agreed. We managed to get a good spot up front and luckily it has just started.

Kate looks so happy, like a kid, my heart keeps melting. She waved at all of them, as they waved all happily waved back. "Baby who's your favorite Disney princess?" I whispered to her "None" oh I didn't expect that but to be honest, I don't think I can guess anyone she may like.

"I like Elsa though" I looked at her when she said that but she was still too busy watching the parade "She's not a princess though, she's a queen. Independent and hella fruity" she looked at me and flashed a gummy smile.

I couldn't help myself; I love her. I leaned in and kissed her. "I love you" she chuckled "I love you too"

After the parade we both decided to visit the food stalls; and oh, there's too many. Even if we wanted to try everything there's just too much. We ate lots of sweets but it was worth it. Kate loved everything that has ice cream.

"Oh, my love, that's candied apple, right?" then she pointed at the stall selling Mickey shaped chocolate coated apples "Yup" "I've never tried that before but I'm curious" hearing that I dragged her and bought one for the both of us.

"Thank you, Annie" I just smiled and pinched her cheek. We ate our apples as we continued to stroll around. We saw a bin on our way and threw the stick. "So, did you like it?" She nodded "Yeah it's good but after a while,'s too sweet I think" I nodded "yeah, definitely something you shouldn't eat a lot of"

She nodded in agreement. We spent the rest of our time trying different rides and visiting as much attractions as we could. We met a lot of good workers, and they really made our stay worth it.

We even got our caricatures by this sweet old man; he was fun to talk to and was very quick with his job. We both really enjoyed talking to him. I had paid and tip him a good amount.

We've also bought lots of merch, mostly stuff toys though. Apparently, Kate and I both love cuddly stuff. She joked around filling my bed with stuffies, "It'll feel like a cloud" she said.

We've met more characters along our stroll; they were all so nice and agreed to take lots of photos with us. Secretly, I had taken photos of Kate. These are gems, I would frame them.

She told me how she doesn't like taking photos because she doesn't look good in them, she kept saying that she unphotogenic. I'd like to argue otherwise, she looks so pretty especially when her smile is genuine. You can really tell she's so happy by the glimmer in her eyes despite them almost closing.

I'd love to always see her this way, the very reason for her smiles and happiness.

After long hours of walking, we idled on the vast grassland. I was busy looking at the pictures I took when, she rested her head on my shoulder. "Annie what are you doing?" I shook my head "Nothing" I gave her a smile and hugged her. "Baby, why do you still call me Annie?"

"Because I like your name. Also, if I keep calling you my love you might get heart attack" I'm speechless "just kidding" then she giggled "You're not wrong" I said and then I can see a very slight hint of red on her cheeks.

"Are you blushing baby?" I asked but she buried her face on my neck "no" she said in a very soft tone "Oh I thought you are" I teased, she nuzzled on my shoulders. I embraced her stroking her back.

Later on, her head feels heavier and I can feel hollow breaths on my neck; she fell asleep. Walking around that much she must've been so tired. I know she's not use to walking that much so I just let her rest.

I tried my best not to move around and made her position as comfortable as I could. She looks so cute sleeping; I placed a peck on her forehead and just waited for her to wake up.

After about 30 minutes, the sun has started to set and it painted the sky very pretty colors; blue, golden orange and pink. We have a god view of it from where we are right now, I know Kate will like this so I gently woke her up.

She slowly opened her eyes and smiled as soon as she saw me, "Baby, look" and she did. She looked so mesmerized. "It's so pretty" but I disagree, no matter how pretty the sky is nothing can compare to her. This view I'm looking at, it the best view.

She turned to me, her hair glistening with the golden rays and her eyes sparkling with joy; she gave me the sweetest smile. We spent hours watching the sunset, just enjoying each other's company.

After a while, it had started to get cold. I went and bought hot choco and we went back to our previous spot. It's very relaxing here, in contrast to the very busy amusement park.

Not long after, the fireworks show has started. It was amazing and pretty to watch. I turned to Kate and she was watching me. "Happy Monthsarry, my love" "Happy Monthsarry, Baby" she slowly leaned in and I closed my eyes.

Under a thousand lights we shared a very sweet passionate kiss.

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