Chapter 22 (Explicit Version)

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"Right this way Miss Leonhardt" Damon my personal butler assisted me, I stopped just to feel the air. It's nice to feel the air without the hindrance of a mask. It's been 4 years since I've been here, I kinda missed the warmth of the Philippines; and I miss another kind of warmth too.

I got in the backseat while Damon loaded my luggage in the trunk. I rested my head in the headrest and fell asleep for most of the ride. I woke after about an hour, feeling hungry. "Young master, we're near our destination. Would you like to stop for food?"

"Yes, please. Just stop by the mall near my condo" he nodded. Minutes later we've arrived, he carefully parked and opened the door for me. Damon is only 3 years older than me; we basically grew up together, he's the son of my father's loyal servant.

He would always look after me when we we're kids like an older brother because my older sister is rarely home and we don't really have a good relationship. We're just civil with each other and she actually came here a week before me and we're told that she'll guide me for a couple of months.

I invited Damon to eat with me as I know he too hasn't eaten, he first rejected but then I told him I wouldn't accept no as answer so he caved in. I chose to eat Jollibee as I kinda missed the food here, this is one of the few places that I actually like.

We took a seat by the window, a bit secluded from the other tables but you are very visible from the outside. "I'll order for us young master, what would you have?" I thought for a bit "I'll have a burger steak with fries and sundae"

He nodded and promptly went to wait in line, there's a handful of people so I knew he would take a while. I pulled out my phone and fixed my roaming, I've also sent messages to my friends telling them I'm here.

With nothing to do I got bored quickly and decided to just look out the window and watch as people walk around, I have so many memories from here. Suddenly a familiar white hair stood out from the crowd, I'm sure as hell that's my sister.

She looked like she's having a good time with the shorter girl she's with; unfortunately, they're walking away from me so I didn't have the chance to make out who it was. "Young master, here you go" Damon appeared in front of me carrying a tray of my food and another crew behind him carrying the second tray.

I began eating my food and we quickly finished it. He took me to my old condo and even carried my luggage. I didn't protest because I've been in a two-day flight and I'm exhausted. After he left, I took my sweet time looking around my humble condo.

So much had happened in this place, so many memories; so much happiness and pain as well. But this place was important to me, this is not where it started but where it had ended. Even though it wasn't all good when I left; I missed it, I really missed it. Since then, I've learned a lot and changed my views. I can finally say that I'm a better version of my foolish self.

Kate has always been an activist; she was always all in and speaking when it comes to equality. She's constantly fighting against all forms of bigotry: racism, homophobia and misogyny. So, I really fucked that up.

I started working on myself, the years I spent home I spent it educating myself. I admit I'm very ignorant that's without a doubt. I listened and studied these issues, and it opened my eyes just how unaware I am just because I am not affected by them.

I started advocating for what is right, I donated to charities and participated in movements. I want to become a better version of myself, just so that I can stand in front of her proud. I know it might have too late already but I'm still hoping for that slight chance.

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