Chapter 17

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I'm on my knees, shoulders smoking from my injuries. A scream roared throughout the woods and shook its entirety. It's him, before I could even move, he was already charging full speed towards me screaming. No matter what, this is the perfect chance, I need to do this right here right now. In order to fulfill the mission, in order to go home.

I quickly tried to stand up and he swung at me, I barely dodged it; both my shoulders are still flimsy. I quickly jumped and kicked his abdomen with all my weight making him spit. Fighting with one eye and barely moving arms, I'm at very big disadvantage.

He quickly recovered and threw a punch which I once again barely missed. He's so aggressive and clearly driven by rage, I stumbled and hit my back on a tree so hard. Both of us stopped moving, we are squaring each other up and I'm still recovering. Albeit there's no movement and just merely stares the tension was very thick.

He assumed an attack stance while I just stood there unable to move my arms. It didn't take very long for him to continue his attacks. He threw punches one after the other and I barely evaded almost all of them. Almost, the last one grazed my arm and was strong enough to send me stumbling back.

I started running away; he's too uncontrollable right now and I'm in no shape to fight. Either he calms down or I would just have to escape on my own. There's still chance, I can still get home; I just have to put distance between us and stall until I recover.

I couldn't run very far as the trees are very thick and close together. I needed to put some distance between us but even that has proven to be nearly impossible. He kept charging at me, and throwing punches all over the place.

Although his punches were not as good, they're too powerful. Eventually, I lost my balance and fell on my back; he was quick to get on top of me. He pinned me down and started screaming at my face. He tried to punch my face and I barely had enough movement to evade it, he punched so hard he broke his arm. That was not enough to stop him, he once again punched down with his other arm breaking it too. "Annie"

With two broken arms, he couldn't attack me. He stayed on top of me screaming, waiting for his arms to heal. This is my chance, I focused on healing myself just enough to turn this fight around. We stared down each other, smoking; this is now a race of who could heal first.

Each moment passing seems to agitate him more, he went right in my face and roared condemning me. I know he blames me; I recognize my sins but I did what I have to do. For my father, I have to go home. "Annie"

I can tell he's losing his mind; he's probably going through a list on how to murder me the worst way possible. Finally, as he is busy planning my torture, I fully healed just mere seconds before him. I opened my eye and immediately put him a lock hold, he tried to squirm and resist but I didn't let him, instead I kicked him hard. He flew and hit his back on a tree while I try to stand up.

However, he recovered quickly and attacked with a punch which grazed my face. He jumped along with his punch and the force was strong enough to send to both of us stumbling back. I fell on my butt while he's quickly back on his feet, ready to throw another punch. I evaded with a jump effectively assuming a stance but he swung back. "Annie"

I evaded his attacks waiting for a right moment, he swung too wide and I found an opening. Using the crystals in my hands I punched him right in his mouth taking a couple of teeth out. What shocked me is when he dragged his mouth and swung at me.

I was sent flying again to another tree, I'm too exhausted at this point; he wasn't the only one I fought today. I barely sit up when he charged again, I used my remaining strength to dodge and he tried to knee me.

I ran a couple meters and then stopped; it seems he has run out of fuel. It seems I still beat him when it comes to endurance. I'm in a dilemma, I have a chance to run and escape or end this right now. I chose the latter. "Annie"

I turned around; he was leaning on the tree trying to catch his breath. I slowly walked up to him, he tried so hard to assume a fighting stance. It was very obvious that he's at the brink of collapsing. Still the rage in his eyes remains flaming with determination.

I stopped a few feet from him, for a moment he looked scared. Only for a moment, because in one swift motion I landed a full round kick cutting both his arms and head. I had to do this, I'm sorry it had to be this way, Eren.

"Annie!!" I was taken aback by the shout of my girlfriend. I looked at her innocently, she looked so worried. I looked around and realized that we're at the entrance of the kitchen. She grabbed my faced and stared in to me "My love, are you okay?" she sounds so worried, I don't understand.

I just simply nodded "yeah, what's wrong?" she doesn't seem too convinced with my answer "You said you're just gonna get a glass of water, you took too long and I find you moving around" I looked at my hand, lo and behold a glass.

"Ohh uhh" It dawned on me; I did get a glass of water but the glass I'm holding is empty. "uhh" she sighed "Look around you" I did as I was told and there were water splashes all over the floor. Shit.

She took the glass from me, set it in the counter and assisted me to sit on the couch on the living room. "Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded "Yeah, I was... uhh just daydreaming" that seems to worry her more. "Annie maybe we should tell Marth okay? I'm worried about you, you were kicking and jumping around and you might hurt yourself"

I looked down; I really don't want to tell anyone about it "No it's fine" "Annie" she warned in a firm authoritative voice. That caught me off guard, I had a mini heart attack. "Okay I'll bring it up to her, we have individual session this week, right?"

She nodded and I felt relieved I thought she was mad but I guess she's just really concerned "Okay then I'll talk to her but baby can you not bring it up on collab session, please?" I even tried to do a puppy eye.

"Why?" she seemed confused "Because it's a personal issue and I worry she might stop our joint therapy session" she nodded "okay I understand" she then rested my head on her shoulder and stroke my hair, she's very understanding and caring. I'm sorry baby.

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