Chapter 10

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It's Sunday morning I woke up in a very good mood, it's been two days and I still can't believe that she's really mine now. I checked my phone and saw that she had left 2 messages for me on messenger.

From: My Baby

Good morning my love!

You're the first thing in my mind hehe

She's so sweet, I immediately replied. [Good morning to you too, have a lovely morning] I looked at the time and saw that it's only 8 am. I checked on the time stamp and saw that she sent these messages at around 6 am, what was she doing up so early.

I know she slept late because she was playing and writing something so she shouldn't be up so late and in Sunday too.

I sent another message asking why she's up so early, her status is active and my message immediately delivered. I decided to wash up first; after doing my morning I headed to the kitchen to have breakfast. I checked my phone and hasn't replied yet, she hasn't even viewed my message.

Feeling bummed, I ate my breakfast with an annoyed look. I wonder what she's doing. I decided to have a light workout while waiting for her message. I even began tidying up my condo and still she hasn't replied.

It's past 10 am and I'm deciding whether I should start doing my school works when a notification popped up on my phone. She finally responded; she sent a thread of messages.


[good morning again]

[I just woke up]

[I wasn't up early my love. I was just up for a bit because of my body clock]

[Then I decided to send you a message because I want you to wake up to my message]

[I feel asleep again after sending that WAHAHAHA]

I chuckled, that makes a lot of sense; I replied immediately.

[Good morning baby]

[okay, I was just worried]

[Have you had breakfast yet]

I had just sent it but she already responded, this is something I like about her; she always responds immediately. She said no and that she literally had just woke up, seriously this girl.

We texted for a while but then she left for a bit because she had chores to do. I wish I could help her with those chores, I learned that everyday she would carry buckets of water to clean their dogs' cages. She has a lot of other chores too on top of her overflowing school works.

I honestly don't know how she could handle all of those, but then even if I was there, I know I would just be a hindrance and would make things worse because I don't know how to do shit. I grow up in the kingdom and was treated as the princess as I am, well the princess of Russia. But not many people know, and I only know a bit of chores.

Heck, even now I'm still struggling quite a bit which is why I've been making sure to not make a lot of mess. I'm generally a clean and organized person so it's not really a problem, I don't know about the others though. My brother is a neat freak so I'm not too worried, Haley is a very responsible person same with Emily so I'm sure they're doing fine.

Caleb has lived alone before, so it was not surprisingly that he's used to it. I don't know about the two siblings though especially Ruby. I could only guess that they're paying someone to keep their condo clean. To me, that's the only reasonable solution.

Kyler doesn't know how to do shit, while Kylee knows, she's lazy; and well Ruby, she spoilt to the brim so I don't even want to think about it.

I started doing the rest of the school works I had left. I didn't do anything yesterday; I just rested.

That's a lie.

I couldn't contain my happiness yesterday so I was just pacing around trying to calm myself. After a few more minutes Kate has come back. We just chatted while doing our school works and she was pretty much helping me with everything.

I miss her already, but it's okay because we have joint therapy later in the afternoon. I just need to hold out till then; once I see her, I would hug her tightly. I told her I wanted to learn how to cook and se supported me wholeheartedly, she even promised to cook her specialty for me.

I'm so excited I wonder what it was. When my alarm went off, I immediately jumped into the shower. I fixed myself and headed to Marth's office; I was so early so I just waited at the entrance for Kate.

Few more minutes later, she had arrived. As promised, I immediately hugged her "I missed you" I whispered in her ear, she chuckled "We just met yesterday" I pouted inside my mask "but I missed you too" my heart leaped and I smiled ear to ear.

I held her hand and we made our way to Marth's office; we came early but she said it was okay and that we could start early. Our therapy went smoothly and Marth has complemented us. She mentioned that we are doing so well and are showing great results. I couldn't agree more as we both are very happy.

"So before you two proceed to your talking session, if both don't mind me asking" Marth trailed off "What's with you two?" she asked wriggling her eyebrows. I held Kate's hand, I looked at her checking if she's okay and she nodded. I faced Marth and proudly said "She's my girlfriend"

"OMG" she almost squealed "Congrats, I'm happy for you both" she said smiling so widely. "Marth, we haven't really told anyone yet so..." she nodded "No worries I will keep my mouth shut, this is still confidential information after all" "Thank you Ms. Cruz" Kate said, I can feel that she's relieved.

"Okay I'll leave you two lovebirds" Marth teased before leaving us two in the room. Kate excitedly pulled me into the table by the glass wall. "Annie" she said so sweetly "I have something for you" "What is it baby?" I said with eagerness in my voice, she laughed.

"Well I had sometime earlier so I cooked my specialty" I can tell my eyes lit up "Ohh what is it baby?" "tofu" I internally cringed, I grimaced but thankfully the mask covered it. I watched her as she pulled out two Tupperware from her bag. I don't like tofu.

"There's two version to this, so I cooked them both" she looks so excited and happy, how could I say no? There's no way I'm telling her that I don't like tofu "Oh uh Annie? Do you eat tofu?"

Shit. "Ah yes baby, but rarely" she nodded "Oh okie, just making sure I'm not feeding you something you wouldn't like" what the fuck, I feel so guilty.

She opened the Tupperware and they don't look too bad, to be honest they don't look like the tofu I'm familiar to, these have sauces. One is with white creamy sauce and the other has thick brown sauce. She handed me a fork "Which one do you want to try first?" "Which one do you recommend?"

She thought for a bit "Well the first recipe is this with white sauce, and this one is a modification so I don't know" she giggled. I decided to try the white sauce first, I closed my eyes as I put it in my mouth.

Holy that tasted so good. I took one with the brown sauce and it was delicious. Both are equally good and they're so delicious, I ate one after the other. I like tofu now. I stuffed my face and then I remembered that my girlfriend is here. I looked at her and she's just watching me smiling.

"You look so cute my love" then she leaned in and gave me a peck "I'm guessing you liked it" my mouth is full so all I could do is nod. She looks so happy, there's nothing more that I could ask for.

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