Chapter 18

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"Okay, so everything seems good. Is there anything else I should know about" Marth said staring at my charts, I debated in my head. She looked up at me when I took too long to answer. I heaved a breath and shook my head "No, nothing else" I forced a smile, we had just eaten a bread so I really wasn't wearing my mask. I quickly wore my mask, so she wouldn't be able to read my expression anymore

"Are you sure? You seem to be out of it, Annie" she looked at me worried as she fixed her glasses. I can't tell her, I don't want to, it's humiliating "I know, I'm sorry I'm just preoccupied" she raised a brow "with what" "uhh, Kate and I have a date later and I have no idea what to do" she smiled "Ahh, so that's what it was. Take her to the arcade, she'll love it"

"Really?" she nodded proudly "You should've told me sooner. Anyway, if you have questions about her feel free to ask, I know at least some of the things she like" I smiled, thanked her and left. I mentally slapped myself; even though she already knows a lot of my trauma, I still couldn't tell her how crazy it is, in fear of being sent to a mental institution.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her, it's ridiculous. I'm pathetic. I feel so guilty, I know my girlfriend would get mad if she knew. "Annie" I looked up and she's in front of me. "Hey, you done?" I nodded and took her hand.

We walked towards the mall, still wearing our mask but I can tell she's smiling. "So, how did it go?" I looked ahead to avoid her gaze "It went well, but I won't go into details" not that I'm lying but I'm avoiding telling the whole truth. "Oh okay, just tell me when you're ready" I nodded.

We entered the mall and there's a handful of people, much lesser than usual. We first went to buy ice cream; it has been our routine. "So, what do you want to do today?" she asked finishing her ice cream and throwing the cup away.

I threw my cup as well and held her hand, "Come with me" she followed and I took her to the arcade. "whoaaaa" she said so excitedly. I owe Marth one because of this. I soon found out that we needed a card to play anything.

"No worries my love" I looked at her and she pulled out 4 different cards, I'm amazed. "wow" she just chuckled "Are all of those active?" she nodded "This red one is actually empty, this one has all the points, this one had the load and this one hehe"

Cute. "What's with the last one?" she giggled "It's new and untouched. I just bought it because it's blue and cute, my uncle wouldn't stop waving it in my face so I bought my own" we shared a laugh. I suggested we buy another card, since they're offering a new design and it's blue too.

"It's like we're married and we share an account" I smiled widely because of that statement. I loaded it with a thousand first saying that if we ever ran out, just load another thousand. But Kate protested it was too much, I thought otherwise.

"So, where should we start?" she pointed at a race game "There" I nodded and we made our way to the game. Looks pretty nice, and there's a seatbelt too. We sat and paid, we're able to customize our vehicles and choose the type. After selecting our cars, it took our pictures, I looked at her confused "It's fine, it's just for the icon of your car" I nodded.

Then we are to pick our race area, she picked Madagascar. The game started and wow, the chairs were moving with the game. No wonder she likes it, it's pretty fun and the steering wheel has some resistance though compared to a real car it's pretty weak.

The race ended and she won first place, I was placed second. I was sure I had it in the bag but she leaped out of nowhere and finished. I looked at her and she's celebrating "Let's go again" she happily nodded.

We went again and again, for 5 rounds I only won 2. She patted my head "Good job, my love" I smiled. We went around playing all the other games, racking up tickets which we then put all into her card.

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