Will you.....?

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Maya's POV

It had been 2 days since I had almost died and I was feeling fine, but both the department and Carina was insisting that I could not go back until next week, I mean don't get me wrong I love spending all this time with Gabriella and Carina, I have been waited on hand and foot. But I miss the Adrenaline, I miss fighting fires.

"Carina......" I said as I started to wake up and roll over to the other side of the bed, but it was cold and she wasn't there so I sat up and looked at the clock. "10PM !!!" I shouted to my self, never in my life had I slept in that much, I must have needed it. Even when I was a teenager I never slept in, my dad is always wake me up to go training or I'd have to go to school, I never rested as I kids, my father used to say to me 'eyes forward'. I wasn't to look back, always to look into the future to achieve what I want, and that's what I did, well tried anyways. And even after I finished school I was training for the Olympic and then the fire academy, so I was always up running and training, and now I'm a fire fighter I do the same thing, unless I'm on call, but I still wake up early because the beds at the fire station are shit.

After getting over the initial shock that it was already 10am I rolled out of bed and changed into some clothes, yes I had a few of my clothes here but Carinas were a lot more comfortable, so I grabbed a pair of my leggings and one of carina's over sized shirts and headed down stairs to make coffee, presuming carina was at work.

When I walked down stairs the house was still go quiet, so I guess I was right, everyone was out, so I headed over to the counter to make some coffee, I saw that Carina had left a not next to a cup for me.

Good morning or good afternoon Bella, I just looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake you so you could lie in. I hope that's okay, anyways I have to work for a couple of hours today, I'm going to take Gabriella to school and then bring a few beautiful babies into this world, I should be home before 1 and I'll pick us up some lunch from that place you love around the corner because i hope we have a reason to celebrate, i mean if you say yes, because I would be a bit embarrassing if I walked back in and you would have said no. Anyways look behind the coffee pot. I love you Maya.

Carina xxx

I was a little confused as to why we would need a reason to celebrate, it's not like I could have gotten her pregnant. Anyways, I moved the coffee pot to the side to revel a small box wrapped in ribbon. So I picked it up and untied the ribbon to reveal a key with a keyring attached to it which read. 'Home sweet home' on it, I then turned it over to revel and engraving on 3 people and our names under it, Maya, Carina, Gabriella. I just think Carina asked me to move in with her. OMG !!!!

I could not actually process what had just happened, I hadn't even had my morning coffee yet, so I made myself a really strong one and went and sat on the sofa to call my best friend. "Please pick up, please pick up". I said to the phone as I called her.

A: hey, if everything okay?
M: I don't know !
A: how did you not know, something must be up if you decided to call me while on shift, so what up.
M: I've just been keyed
A: hold on, slow down, you've been what ?
M: I woke up late this morning and no one was in so I headed down stairs to a note from Carina and she said there was a gift and there might be a reason to celebrate, so I opened it and it was a key to her house with a keychain which said home sweet on and one side and our 3 names on the back
A: oooooo, and this is a probably because...
M: because..... I don't know !!! This has never happened to me before and I'm kinda freaking out.
A: well there is no reason too, you are literally over there all the time, you're never at your own apartment, you went on a 3 week trip today, you get along with her daughter so I don't see why you don't.
M: I know, thank you Andy.
A: no problem, but you better invite us over for a house warming party, we are in need of a good party
M: I 100% on that
A: yay, I'm sorry I have to go, the alarm is going off

She's right, there was no reason to freak out, I love Carina and she loves me, and it's stupid us both paying rent went we basically spent most of the time together anyways.

A few hours later and it was getting closer to 1pm which means Carina could be back any minute and I had no idea how to tell her yes, do I make it special, do I trick or as soon as she comes in do I just say 'yes'. Aghhh I don't know. But then suddenly I had a perfect idea, but I had to be quick because I just heard carina's car pull up.

So I quickly grab the note that she left me in the morning and write her a note on the back.

Hey baby, I just wanted to thank you for letting me sleep in this morning, I can't remember the last time that happened, I feel so well rested and have so much energy. You are probably going to get mad at me for this but I promise I'm fine, I've just gone on a run to clear my head, I'll see you soon

Your Bella XX

Ps. yes

I quickly wrong down on the piece of paper before running into the closet room, which just happened to be the bathroom, I ran in and closed the door but still leaving a little gap so I could see I could see her reaction. Five seconds later, she walked through the door.

"Bella I'm home" she says as she walks through the door and places her bag on the side with the food she brought. "MAYA ARE YOU HERE" she shouts through the house before noticing the note that I left. "Hey baby, I just wanted to thank you for letting me sleep in this morning, I can't remember the last time that happened, I feel so well rested and have so much energy. You are probably going to get mad at me for this but I promise I'm fine, I've just gone on a run to clear my head, I'll see you soon, your Bella. Ps yes!!!!!!" She reads out loud before letting out a big sigh. "Thank god she said yes" she says out load again before I slowly walk out the room towards her, wrapped my arms around her waist from behind her.

"Hey" I said to her as she jumped. "Oh Bella you scared me, I thought you were out running, which to be honest i'm glad you are not" she says to me as she turns around to face me. "Did you mean what you wrote ? Will you move in with me?" She asks me again. "Of course I will" I said as we both shared a passionate kiss. "I don't have to pick up Gabriella for a few more hours" she said to me as she smirked. "Well let's make the most of it" I said to her as she picks me up and walks with me to OUR bedroom for a steamy session.

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