Father's day

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Gabriella's POV

"Class!!!!! Listen up, soon it is Father's Day so today we will be making some cards and gifts for you to give to your fathers" said my teacher. My face suddenly dropped, I didn't have a father, well I do, I just have no idea who he is, mama never told me, the closest thing I had as a father figure was uncle Andrew or some of mama ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends. I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to announce it to the whole class so I just sat there and looked like I was making one, when in reality I was try to guess who he was, all I knew is that they worked at the hospital when mama did, I have no idea if they still do.

Since Mama works a lot and I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be heading after school, the school and mama let me keep a phone so she can tell me where to go after school. Today's text message read. "Catch the school bus, I will be home when you get there". So I headed right for the school bus and got home.

When the bus pulled up outside my house I saw that mamas car was on the drive way and a car that I had never seen before. So I just went to the front door and opened it. When I walked inside I just froze when I saw Mama kissing someone, someone that looked familiar, it was captain Maya. !!!!! Ewwww !!!!!

Carina's POV

"Well that's one way to get to know me better" "I find it is the fastest way" I replied as I flopped on the bed next to her. "I'm sorry but I have to go now" I said to her as I got up, but she pulled me straight back down. "Please stay the night" "I'm sorry Bella but I can't, I have a daughter remember" I said as I started to get changed and grabbing my stuff. "You haven't forgotten my name have you, you do realise that it's Maya right". I chuckle as she says it. "Of course not, Bella means beautiful in Italian" as soon as I said it her face lit up. "Awwwwww that's so sweet". I am now all ready to go, so I lean down to kiss her. "Goodnight Bella" I say as I leave to go home to my bambina even though she is probably already sleeping"

When I get home I'm so tried I can't even make it to my bed so I just end up falling to sleep on the sofa. "Mama mama wake up it's time school" I hear in my ear as my daughter starts shaking me to get up. "Bambina what time is it" "it's 7:45 !!! I need to get to school" she tells me as I quickly get up and grab my keys and walking out the door with Gabriella, completely forgetting that I was still in yesterday's clothes, I'm just hoping no one sees me.

After I dropped of Gabriella I decided to head back home to change so I could go run some errands and stuff without Gabriella complaining all the time. Once I got back I just up on some comfy clothes and headed out to the store to pick up some things up.
I was speedily rushing around the store so I could get home quickly, I grabbed all the things I needed to headed home.

Once i made it home I decided that it was a good idea for me to get 20 winks before I started any more tasks, so I closed my eyes and I ended up sleeping for a good 2 hours before I woke up well rested.

This new house has a garden and to be honest I've never gardened in my life, so I was going to be a challenge, I grabbed all the things I needed and headed out the front.

When I got out there I started to plant some flowers when I head a voice. "Need any help?" Said the voice. I looked up to see Maya stood right there. "Oh ummm hi, how do you know where I live" I asked her. "Oh I didn't know where you lived, but I do now, you have a lovely house, I just run past here some times. " she told me. "Oh, well if you know anything about gardening I would love your help" "well of course I'm happy to help" she says as she starts to help me. About 5 minutes in she starts to reach for a tool next to me when she 'accidentally' topples over on top of me and lands right on me. All we could do is just burst out laughing.

After all the laughing had stopped, I asked her, "do you want to come inside for a drink" and she agreed so we both headed inside. Me leading the way. "What would you like, tea, coffee, lemonade, wine, beers?" I asked. "Oooo I would mind a beer if you had one" "of course" I said as I got her a beer as we sit down on the couch and just start talking.

I didn't realise the time but turns out we had been talking for ages and it was almost the time Gabriella was going to get back. "Omg I didn't realise the time, Gabriella will be back any minute" "well then, I better do this before she gets back" she said to me as she lent into kiss me, and of course Gabriella have to walk through the door at that exact minute. So I pulled away from maya as quickly as I could to look at my daughter, she didn't seem like her self, it seemed like she was crying.

"Captain Maya ?" She said. "I ummm, I, I was just here talking with your mum". "So are like you too dating or what, this happened before and they just left." . At this point I could tell Maya was getting embarrassed because her face was bright red. "No Ella Bella, we are just friends, any ways how was school, you look upset, is everything okay ?" I asked her. "It's Father's Day, everyone is at school making these cards for their dads, and I don't have one, I mean I have you and I love you very much but you have never told me anything about him, like anything, is her American, Italian, what's he like, what his name is" She told me. "I'm just going to go" said Maya as she walked out the door"

Oh god, I knew we had to have this conversation one day but I wasn't sure if I was particularly ready for it. "Okay take a seat, and I'll tell you" I told her as she took a seat. "What do you want to know first?" "His name?" she told me. "Well your fathers name is Doctor Owen Hunt....................."

I'm so sorry 😢 like what even is this chapter !!!! It's so bad, hopefully the next one will be better.

Sorry I didn't publish yesterday it was my birthday and I didn't get chance to finish it.

Anyways I hope you have all had/ are having a great day 🥰

Elle 🤍

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