Going home

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Carina's POV

It was getting close to the end of the summer holidays for my Bambina, I loved taking some time off to spend with her and I'm pretty sure she has enjoyed all the time off too, hanging out with friends, Andrew, Maya and myself. I thought she would have to spend a lot of the time with the nanny but Maya could see that she really enjoyed being in the fire station so Maya offered to take care of her every now and then, I love seeing them two get along.

Since she only had 3 weeks left I had promised her that I would take her on the trip and today I was going to reveal to her where we are going since we are leaving tomorrow. So I head up stairs to her bedroom to tell her and to help her pack.

Once I made it up I knocked on the door and walked in. "Bambina are you ready to know?" I asked her. "Know what ?" "Where we are heading" I told her as her eyes lit up. "Yessssssssssssss pleassssssseeeeeee" she told me so excited. "Well I know that I promised that I would take you back to Italy and I've kept that promise, so tomorrow we have a flight to Italy for a week" I told her as she hugged. "Thank you" "but...... you haven't heard the best part, since the flight is 13 hours I thought it would be cruel to sit on a plane for that long, so on our way back I thought we may just stop off in Florida and and visit Disneyland" I told her with a big smile on my face as she is still hugging me. "Seriously?" She asked. "Seriously" I told her as she started to cry. "Why are you crying bambina?" I asked her. "Because I'm so happy and your the best mama ever, thank you" she said to me. "Well I'm really glad your happy, so let's get packing" I said to her.

Soon enough Gabriella and myself were almost packed when she asked me. "Is it only us too going or is Maya coming too." "Just us, why? Did you want her to come too?" I asked. "Well I mean it would be nice too ask her to come, your really happy when she around, plus it might be nice for her to see Italy and spend some time with her" she casually told me. "Well it might be a bit short notice but it won't hurt asking her." I told her. "Can I borrow your phone to call her then ?" She asked me as I handed her my phone. She FaceTimed her and then Maya picked up.When she picked up I could tell that she was at work because she was sat in the beanery surrounded by her team.
M: "hey...... oh hi Gabriella"
G: "hi Maya"
C: "hey"
M: "oh hi Carina, I wasn't expecting a call today, is everything okay"
C: "yes everything is fine, Gabriella just wanted to ask you a question.
M: "sure Gabriella what is it"
G: "well Mama has surprised me with a trip to Italy and on the way back we are going to Disney land Florida !!!!!!! And I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come, I mean you are probably working but it would be really cool if you came"
M: "I'm sorry Gabriella but your right I'm working and my team need me, I'm sorry"
G: "oh okay" Gabriella said really sadly.
Then all I could hear was chattering in the background. "Come on maya go on the trip." "I'll cover for the captain position" "you've never taken a day off ever !!!" "Take this time, you deserve it" all the team was saying to her and you could see her thinking. "Maya just go, we've got everything covered here, we can get someone from B shift for the few weeks, go and have fun with your gorgeous italian girlfriend and her daughter, but you better bring us back gifts" Andy said to her.
M: "fineeeeee I'll come"
G: "really ?"
C: "really ?"
M: "yes I'll come!!!"
G: "yay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
M: "well then I think I should start packing then."
C: "we are leaving my house at 6 am, so make sure you are here"
M: "I'll be there...... goodbye"
C: "goodbye Bella"
G: "bye bye"
We all say before we hang up.

"I can't believe she said yes" Gabriella said to me. "To be honest me either, I think it was the team" "nope I think it was my cuteness, so I think we should ask her" Gabriella said as we both laughed.

Maya's POV

Did I really just say yes to vacation, I mean I've never taken a vacation in my life, what do people do on vacations? Relax ? Because I certainly don't. I think I may have only agreed to make Gabriella happy and to spend more time with carina because I would never go on vacation by myself.

"Are you sure you guys are going to be okay with out me ?" I ask the team. "Yes go I told you we would cover, take some time to have fun" said Andy. "Im pretty sure you only want me to go because then you hope that I could ask you to step up to be captain" I told her laughing. "Maybe" "well if you don't want it Jack can have it" "no no no no no I want it" she said to me all excited. "Well then let me show you all ropes" I said to her as we both walked to my office.

"So I think that's it really, oh and don't forget that we have an inspection in 2 weeks, the station needs to be perfect, actually better than perfect" I said to her after showing her everything. "Yes I've got it, don't worry, everything is under control" she reassured me. "Okay great" "shift is almost over anyways, let me take over so you can go and pack and prepare" she told me. "Yes packing, I need to pack, thank you Herrera, I think I may just do that"

About an hour later I had wrapped up all the things in the station so I got in my car and headed home.

Once I got home I headed to get my suitcase to pack for the trip, but I just opened the back and stared at it. So I decided to call carina to help me.
C: "hey Bella , what's up"
M: "this may sound like a stupid question but what exactly do I need to pack, I opened me and my mind just went blank"
C: *laughing* "well first off, you don't want to be walking around naked, well I mean I'd love to see that but you do need to pack clothes, it's going to be hot so t-shirts, shorts, dresses and skirts plus there will be a lot of swimming so I suggest that you bring a very sexy swim suit"
M: "well that sounds like a very good suggestion anything else ?"
C: "well if you have anything Disney related that would be good but if not I've got us matching shirts which you have to wear, you will also need toiletries, Beauty products and basically anything you use daily, oh and some comfy shoes because you will do a lot of walking"
M: "thank you, I better get packing then"
C: "no problem Bella, see you tomorrow"
Once I hang up I then get back to packing.

"BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP" sounds my morning alarm at 5am signalling for me to get up. So I rolled out of bed and changed into some comfy clothes for the plane, I had a little bit of breakfast, double checked my bag and then headed to Carina.

On the way there I drove past a starbucks which I saw was open so I stopped off and got a coffee for me and Carina, a pink drink thing and a cake pop for Gabriella.

I arrived at Carina's at 5:55 and her and Gabriella were already on the drive waiting for me. "Hey guys, I hope I'm not late, I stoped off at Starbucks, and I got us all drinks" I said to them. "Coffee" for you I said gaming carina her coffee. "And that pink drink you like with a cake pop for you miss Gabriella." I said handing it to her. "Thank you" they both said to me at the same time. "No problem" I said putting my bags in the car.

The drive to the airport was about 30 minutes but because it was early in the morning the roads were quite so there was no traffic. Once we arrived we checked in and went through security pretty quickly so we had time to chill at the gate before boarding so we just sat and talked for a while until. "Flight 689 to Italy is now boarding at gate 11" sounded throughout the airport so we got up and Boarded the plane.

The flight was a long 13 hours but we soon arrived in Italy and stepped off the plane. "Home sweet home"

I hope you guys are enjoying this story, the next few chapters will be about their vacation

Elle 🤍

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