Death upon us

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Carina's POV

I can't believe this is it, I can't believe she just said goodbye, this is it, she's gone, when she said that last goodbye I just broke down in Andy's arms, I didn't know what to do, my girlfriend was in that burning building about to die and my little girl was just stood there watching the building burn with one of her favourite people in the whole in there.

I'm so thankful for Travis, he is so great with her, he knows how to comfort her, how to distract her from what's going on around her.

Once the fire was out, Andy let go of me and went into the building to retrieve her body, I just sat down on the curb and just let all my tears flow out, all the firefighters and by standers watching me.

"She's alive, she's alive" I heard Andy and Vic scream as they came running out of the building. Surely not, how can she be alive, the building was on fire, everything was on fire, how was she not cooked alive. she had held on, she held on knowing that me and Gabriella were outside, she held on because she knew it would break us to see her cold, lifeless body.

I stood up and ran to the stretcher, I've never ran so fast in my life. All the other fire fighters also ran towards her to really see if she was life. And she was. I took her soot covered hand in mine as squeezed it. She was alive and I wanted to keep her this way, because I wasn't saying goodbye for a second time, I just could not do it.

"Someone please look after Gabriella I'm going to the hospital with her" I said to them as they all nodded, I knew she was in great hands and I knew she would be safe.

The team loaded her into the aid car and I jumped in behind them, the doors were closed and we made our way to the hospital.

Gabriella's POV

I knew something was going on but mama wouldn't tell me, she looked upset and hold me to stay where I was, so I did, I could hear her shouting at all the other firefighters, I could hear her shouting about getting her girlfriend out but no one was doing anything, I was getting scared, I didn't want Maya to be hurt, she is one of the best people I have ever met and I love being with her, I didn't want her to go.

"Hey munchkin, I would do with some help" Travis said to me as he took my hand and lead me to the aid car so I got it the front and then he handed me his phone. "So I've been stuck on this same level of candy crush for weeks and I just can't pass it, do you think you could help me?" He said to me as I noosed my head and started to complete the level, I completely blocked out the noice around me.

"Hey kiddo, have you finished the level" Travis asks me after he sends all the other victims away in other aid cars. "Actually I did but I've ran out of lives oc I've been scrolling through your Instagram, and I'm not going to lie to you, you need to get a better photographer" I tell him as he laughs. "Well then, next time you can do it" he tells me as he gets into the drivers side and we just sit there until I break the silence.

"She's hurt isn't she ?" I ask him as he looks at me not knowing what to say. "Travis please tell me the truth, I heard mama shouting at everyone, is she trapped ?" I ask him. "She is" he tells me. "Is she going to die?" I ask him. "I don't know Gabby, fire is very dangerous and unpredictable" he tells me. "Well I don't want her to die" I tell him as he just looks at me, I could sense the sadness in his eyes.

Carina's POV

I could feel the ambulance coming to a slow, I knew we were here. I swung open the doors and there stood the Grey-Sloan dream team waiting to save Maya, Bailey, Avery, Altman, Webber and Shepherd were all stood there, waiting for ambulance, but none of them knew who was inside of the ambulance.

"Carina are you okay, what happened, why are you in the ambulance" Altman says to me as I jump out. "I'm fine, just please help my girlfriend!!!! She was trapped in a fire with no way out, please save her, I can't lose her, she is also the Captain of Station 19 !!" I said as I helped get Maya out. "Let's take her straight to trauma 1" Bailey shouted as we ran inside with her.

"I'm sorry Carina but I'm not letting you in" Webber said to my. "Fine, but if she dies it's on you and I don't want to have to tell my daughter that she's dead !!" I said basically shouting at him. As he closes the door on me. I then stood there watching through the window, hoping and praying.

"Carina, Maya's awake" Bailey said to me as she places her hand on my back as I turn around in shock. "Bailey you better not be messing with me right now" I tell her as she smiles. "Carina, trust me I'm not, she awake and she's fine, she suffered some smoke inhalation so she's got an oxygen mask on right now and she has a few burns and scratches, she has no internal bleeding and her neuro exam is perfect, and she's been asking for you, you can go and see her" she tells me as I run into the trauma room, all the other doctors had left to give us some space.

I run into the room and stand right next to her and I grab her hand. "I'm so glad your awake" I tell her as she tries to speak. "No bella don't speak, you need to keep ok your oxygen mask" I tell her as she does what I say. "Us two need to stop putting ourself in hospital" I say as we both do a little chuckle. "Maya I need you too promise me something" I ask her as she nods her head. "Don't ever say goodbye to me again, I know that you'll never stop running into burning building anymore than I'll stop stepping over the line to save my patients, but just tell me right now that you'll always come back to me" I say to her as there is a tear in my eye so Maya reaches one hand up to wipe away my tear and uses the other hand to take off her mask. "I will always come back to you" she says as I lean into a kiss and then I place her oxygen mask back on her. "Bella I'm just going to call Travis to tell the team your awake and so that they can bring Gabriella " I say as I step out.

C: "ciao Travis it's Carina"
T: "hey, how's Maya doing"
C: "well actually that's what I was calling you for she's... she's.... alive and awake"
T: "oh thank the lord, I better tell the rest of the team"
C: "yes please that would be great, would you also mind dropping off Gabriella, I'll know she will want to see Maya"
T: "oh course, we will be there in 15 minutes"
C: "that's great, oh and Travis"
T: "yeah?"
C: "thank you for looking after my Bambina and distracting her, I owe you one"
T: "it's my pleasure, she's a sweet kid, anyways I'll see you soon, bye bye"
C: "ciao"

I then step back into the room and Bailey walks in at the same time, "so Maya, I can let you go once your oxygen levels are back up BUT only if you have someone stay the night with you" she tells her as Maya looks at me. "She's going to stay me with me until she gets completely better anyways" I tell her. "Well that's settled then, I nurse will be by in a few hours to discharge you Captain" she says as she walks out.

Maya then takes off her oxygen mask. "Bella you need to keep that on" I tell her. "I promise I'm fine, I've had it on long enough" she tells me as I just put up with it because I know there is no tell what that woman to do. "Thank you for letting me stay with you" Maya says to me. "Well you were going to stay with me anyways, I would not have it any other way" I tell her as we both smile.

"Maya !!!" We both hear a voice say, it was obviously Gabriella. "Hi Ella bella" I say to her as she walks in with Travis and she goes to hug Maya. "I'm so happy your alive !!!!" She says to her.

I've just started a surrera story too, so if you like them, please go check it out !!
Elle 🤍

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