Back to reality

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Gabriella's POV

It was a new school day, and a new school year, I was so exited to see who would be in my new classes, I also so very excited to try out for some after school activities, I just wanted to get a feel for the school so I didn't want to try out, plus I only had a few weeks so I didn't think it was worth it. Zola and Sofia were both in the cheerleading quad and they wanted me to try out with them again this year. I also wanted to try out for the girls volleyball team, I was the captain back in Italy, we were a pretty good team, but when they all heard I was moving they were all so jealous because the American volleyball teams were supposed to be the best of the best, so that made me pretty nervous, I knew I didn't really have a good chance of getting in but it was worth a try.

Anyways since I was getting older and in the year above and I have gotten to know the area well, mama, Maya and I all had a chat and we agreed on something. From now on the nanny would not have to look after me so often, only in emergency situations. So we agreed that mama would take me to school every morning and then after school I would stay to do an after school activity or study, and then after that, depending on Maya or Mamas schedule I would either walk to the fire station or to the hospital, and once their shift was over they would take me home. I'm glad I didn't really have a nanny anymore because I was getting a bit too old now

"Beeeeep, Beeeeep, Beeeeep, Beeeeep." Sounded my alarm to Signal me to move out of bed, I turned my alarm onto snooze, I didn't want to move, i was just so tired, I still hadn't caught up from the jet lag I had from the trip a few days ago. But I knew I had to get up.

So I rolled out of bed and put on my clothes for the day, I decided on wearing my blue mom jeans, a jumper and I paired them with a pair of Converse.

I then headed down stairs and mama was making breakfast, the table was full of all kinds of foods. "Mama have you invited the whole street for breakfast, there is so much food" I say to her as I sit down. "Well I could not let you go to school on an empty stomach so I made you loads so you have the right nutrition for the day" she told me. "Well it all looks very nice, thank you" I say to her as I start eating all the amazing food, pancakes, bacon, eggs, french toast and fruit. I eat as much as I can before I have to leave for school. "Here is your lunch for school Bambina, I hope you enjoy it." As says to me as she hands me my lunch box. "Thank you mama" I say to her as we make our way out the door.

Soon enough we have made our way to the door and I hop out, "have a great day bambina, don't forget you are heading to the station after your tryouts, goodluck and enjoy your day, I love you" mama says to me as I exit the car and walk towards the gates to meet zola and Sofia. Before I walk in I check my phone and I have a text from Maya.

Maya: hey 👋 why don't you bring from friends to the station after you cheer and volleyball tryouts, goodluck and I'll see you later, if I'm on a call feel free to hang out in my office :)

"girls, do you want to come by the fire station after school, Maya has said that you can come by after try outs" i asked them. "I'd love too" they both said at the same time as we walked into school.

The morning was just filled with lessons and getting to know our teachers when the lunch bell rang, that meant it was time for my volleyball tryouts. Zola and Sofia was not trying out but they wanted to come and support me so they both accompanied me to the sports hall to watch.

I put all my stuff down and soon enough he coach walked in telling us to do all these things, we started off by doing some drills and then we went to play some games. 36 people were at the try outs, so the coach split us into 6 teams of 6. I actually ended up doing better than I thought because I hadn't played in months, but I did do some amazing saves, blocks and spikes.

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