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Gabriella's POV

I stepped onto the escalator with my bag in my hand, mama stood right behind me. We had finally made it to America, the flight was long but to be honest it wasn't actually too bad because I slept most of the time, the only time I wasn't sleeping was when food was brought to us because mama always woke me up asking me if I wanted to eat and obviously I did. I stood on my tippy toes and surveyed everyone in the airport, there was people returning to seattle, leaving Seattle, airport workers and people waiting for their loved ones to return. I was looking for uncle Andrew but i could not see him for ages, until I finally saw him, I only managed I see him because he was holding a sign which read "bentornate a casa carina e gabriella" which translated to "welcome home Carina and Gabriella" as soon as I got to the bottom of the escalator I ran right into uncle Andrews arms, he dropped the sign, picked me up and span me around. Mama wasn't much of the runner so she just quickly walked and hugged uncle Andrew, he hugged her back but with only one arm since his other arm was holding me up. "Uncle Andrew you can put me down you know" "I know that Gabriella I've just missed you so much.... and you carina, my big sister" he smiles "yeah and I missed my stupid little bigger too" replied mama chucking to herself "MAMA don't be rude to uncle Andrew, he's very smart" uncle Andrew then gave me a high five. "Thanks kiddo...... how about we get going, I'll take you to get settled into your new home"

Carina's POV

I actually can't get how I've missed Andrea so much, we FaceTime, call and text all the time yet nothing beats seeing him in person, and now I am going to be able to see him every day since we are both going to be working at the same hospital, grey Sloan memorial, as much as I'm going to miss working in a small village hospital in Italy I do love grey Sloan, it's so big, has so many patients and it's medical equipment is just phenomenal. Chief Bailey has asked me to come back as chief of ob/gyn and I agreed as long as I could carry on my study about the female brains during orgasms, at first she seemed a little confused but she agreed in the end, I asked her if she wanted to help out, but she declined and I'm not sure why because it's a great study. But anyways I'm super happy to get my old job back and start my new life with my bambina in Seattle.

I have not yet got myself a car so Andrew was driving us from the airport to our new house, I had spent weeks searching for the perfect one and I finally found it, it's a 2 bed condo with an open floor plan, high ceilings and great big windows. And best of all it wasn't too far from the hospital incase I got paged in the middle of the night and it was in a great school district, a win win for the both of us. When we arrived at our new home I could not believe how awesome it was, it was definitely even better in person "here you go" Andrea said to me as he had handed the keys to me since he was the one who went for me to pick up the keys for the real estate agent so we could move in right away. I hopped on out of the car with my daughter following right behind, I inserted the key into the lock, twisted it and unlocked the door, I stepped in and Gabriella just ran straight past me up the stairs, I think someone was a little excited that I said that she could choose which room she wanted. I turned around to see Andrea unpacking the bags from the car, what a sweet brother he is. I placed down the keys on the side and started wondering inside the house until I heard Gabriella shout "this one, I want this one" so with that I made my way up the stairs to see which one she has chosen, both bedrooms were pretty big inside, both with walk in wardrobes and an en-suite bathroom but I was pretty sure I knew which one she picked and why it's just mother's instincts.

I walked to where I could hear Gabriella talking to herself, "so bambina I heard that you had chosen a room" "Si si mama this one, look at the view" like I said mother's instincts, I knew which one she would pick, only because I knew that she was obsessed with the sea view at our old house, I knew this could not beat a sea view but it was the best she was going to get, I looked out of her window, and there it was, a huge lake surrounded by trees and animals. "So I guess you like this new house" "Si mama very much" she replied "well I'm super glad you like it, now why don't you head back down stairs and help uncle Andrea with the bags and then we can get some take out for dinner, how does that sound ?"
"That sounds pretty awesome" she said as she skipped back down the stairs as I smiled watching her go down.

It had now been a few hours since we had arrived at out new house and I must say that I'm loving it even more. All the new furniture was all ready in the house so I didn't have to worry about setting any of it up, so all that was to do was to unpack it the things that we had brought with us from Italy. I could not be bothered to cook tonight as it had been a really long day and since we had no food in the house that is why I decided to let Gabriella have a take out, I mean is was a special day.

Me and Gabriella we just sat on the sofa watching a movie when I decided that I deserved a glass of wine so I got up and head to the kitchen which was my new favourite part of this house, I loved to cook so very much, I open the cupboard and got out the bottle of wine and glass and poured myself a big glass, I then put everything away and headed back into the living room and to my surprise, as I walked back into the room Gabriella was lay there fast asleep "aww bambina" I whispered in order not too wake her, I placed down my glass of wine and scooped her up in my arms, walking up the stairs with her and tucking her into her new bed "goodnight bambina, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, I love you so very much" I whispered in her ear before I walked to the door where I just watched her for a few seconds before turning off the light and closing the door. I think we are going to like it here.

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