There is no other option

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This carries straight on from the last chapter 'back to reality'

Carina's POV

Once I had finished work for the day I headed to go pick up Gabriella from the fire station since I knew Maya was probably so busy.

Once I arrived at the fire station, I parked up but none of the trucks were in, Maya had said to me that if the trucks were not in that she was on a call and that she would leave Gabriella with the person minding the front desk. So I walked on in.

"Hey Cutler, I've just come to pick up Gabriella, is she in Maya's office" I asked him. "Sorry but she's not here" he says. "Oh" I say I as make my way into the barn. And suddenly the trucks came pulling in honking their horns and Maya hops out. "Hey baby" she says to me. "No offence Maya I'm very happy to see you but where is my daughter, Cutler said she's not here." I say to her. "I'm here Mama, we went to get cake and then drop off Zola and Sofia" she says to me. "So your telling me you it needed 2 trucks and about 10 firefighters to go get cake ?" I say to them. "It was good cake" Travis said. "Agreed" said Andy. "And why did you all need cake" I ask. "It was a celebration" Maya said. "A celebration because I made it into the cheer team AND I am the new captain of the volleyball team!!!!" Gabriella said to me. "Aghhhhhh I'm so proud of you bambina, I told you you could do it." I said to her as I hugged her.

"Why don't we go to my off-" maya was saying to us when the alarm sounded. "Civilians in destress, 2151 Oakwood avenue" "want to see us in action?" Maya said to us. "Yesssssssss" Gabriella said. "Okay but you have to stay behind the line and come no where near, you can follow in your car" she tells us as she hops on into the truck and drives away. So me and Gabriella get into my car and we follow the trucks to the scene.

Once we get out, we both stand behind the line and we start watching as Maya give orders to her team. Maya turns around to see us standing there and I give her a little wink ;)

Maya's POV

I can't believe how soft I'm getting, I would never ever let a civilian come to the scene, let alone invite them without them asking, what's wrong with me !!!!! I'm just glad that it's a small fire and that it should be over and done with soon, I turned around to see them both stood there, Gabriella waving and Carina gave me a wink and mouthed to me. "You've got this Captain Bella"

"Herrera, Miller, Gibson and Hughes, search and rescue, there has been reports of 4 people trapped but I want every room searched. Warren and Montgomery you are in aid car, let go go go" I ordered them as they ran into the burning building.

"Herrera I want an update" I said. "We have found a victim and we are bringing them out now" she replied. "2nd victim had been found, come out now" Gibson said. And sooner or later they both came out. "Captain we could do with an extra set of eyes, this warehouse has so many rooms" Herrera said to me. "Sullivan can you take over command of the scene, I'm going inside to help the team" I said to him as he nods.

I then put on my oxygen mask and helmet and run inside, but I felt that something was wrong, I made my way further into the building when Hughes called over the radio. "Third victim found, Coming out now" .

'Boooooooooom' the building exploded. I got pushed up against the wall fire surrounding me. "Herrera, Miller, Gibson, Hughes can you hear me" one by one they all called over there radio. "This structure is not safe I want everyone out" "copy that" they replied.

I saw a gap in the fire, I was going to make a run for it, it was so close but the gap suddenly closed up, I was stuck. "Mayday mayday firefighter trapped, I repeat firefighter trapped" I called over my radio. "Fire up the hoses, no one is to come into the building, it's not worth risking all your life's to save mine, I have 5 minutes tops before these flames engulf me" I called. "Firing the hoses is going to burn you alive Captain, it's a stupid idea" Herrera said. "It's the only option, I have no way out, I'm completely trapped" "Maya......please don't do this, we can get you out" she said. "No Herrera this is my call, I'm your captain, when I say now I want you too fire the hoses, I have an idea but I'm not sure it will work, so when you find my body don't let Carina see it and keep her and Gabriella safe for me , now please put her on, I want to say goodbye" I say to them.

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