Chapter 11

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The two men who were with me on the plane, escorted me inside to the big house in front of me.

They put me in a bedroom, and left me there all night.

The next morning, I was feeling a person stroking my arm behind me. I opened my eyes, and turned in the other way.

No way!!Youuu!! -It was James.
I kept walking away from him, I wanted not to let him stay close to me.

Don't be scared Beatrixa,don't go away.I am not going to hurt you.
Hurt me? Those past few day's, were the most hurtful days for me, and you say i will not hurt you.

You hurted me enough James. Don't come near me. And don't touch me.

Why the f*ck,am i here? Why did u bring me here.Why? Tell me WHY THE F*CK DID U BRING ME HERE?-I start screaming.

Relax Beatrixa,why the fuck are you,screaming at me.I know you're right but never talk to me like that or...

Or what,James....or you will kill me?
Or i will remove your little beautiful mouth Beatrixa!

He left the bedroom and closed the door,with a key.
I took a shower,and start thinking about the reason,that why was i there.

After a few minutes, the door of the room opened. With wet hair and the clothes I had for almost two days, that I kept wearing, I followed
the noise coming from a room.

The whole house, it seemed as if you were in a big and beautiful castle.

I arrived at a large living room, full with weird and scary photos.
He was waiting for me with one hand in his pocket,and with the other hand drinking a glass full of alcohol.

Come here Trixa,sit down.
I sat peacefully in the sofa,not watching James.
Do you want something to drink?-I didn't talk.

Okey then,don't talk,i will.
James are you going to tell me,why am i here.

You will be my girlfriend.
What...?-Listen me,i didn't finished yet.

For the next 6 months, you will be my girlfriend, or you will pretend,or I don't know what will you do.

No,no,no,i will never,NEVER do this. I would never accept to be associated with you,even if you kill me.

I didn't said to associate together,i said you will be my girlfriend for those past 6 months.
If you don't accept this then...

I will kill your dear Angela,and your dear parents.
I know they live in America dear. So don't be surprised.

I was shocked,Why my family,what did i do?
He was talking but i was not listening, the place was turning around.Everything was becoming dark.

I got to my feet to escape, but it was too late. I fell to the ground.

Beatrixa,wake up,wake up Beatrixa!
What,what happened?-in front of my eyes,i was watching the most beautiful face,but now was the face that I hated the most.

Here,drink some water.
I don't want to.

James put his hands in my check and said:
Believe me I didn't want to force you to do this...but i have to do it beutiful.

I will not touch you,without you wanting..but please don't make this hard for me.

He took his hands off my check and said again.
Go to your room and get ready,you are going shopping,you need to buy clothes,we have some events.

Natalia will help you.
No thank you,i will not go with anyone.

Okey then you will go with me.
No,no with you,i will chose Natalia.

Nope you will not chose Natalia anymore.
I will come with you and that's the end of the conversation.

I hope you have a bit style.
Because with what i have seen soo..far you don't.
(He winked at me.)

He left the room and let me there.
-I will tell him,who has style.

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