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Two years have been passed..... Bright can now walk properly he is totally normal. All thanks to those doctors. After waking up from the coma suddenly they find out about a disability and it was Bright's legs were not working. Bright and his family have already loss all the hopes but then they went to 'xxxx' country and the doctors give them the hope..... After one year of fighting now finally Bright was perfectly fit.

Though Bright found a new hope in his life but he loose Win. Win is not with him nor Light. The day Bright talked with Win to leave him Win did it and he never visit Bright. And the other thing is they haven't give each other divorce. Bright had send Win the divorce papers with his sign two years ago but Win didn't respond it nor Bright get any kind of news about Win or Light. He doesn't have any idea about their whereabouts.

How can he...... He is not living in the same country where he started his life with Win . After coming to the 'xxxx' country Bright thought about starting his new life journey here. Though his parents are still in his birthplace only he leave everything. There is not a day he didn't think about Win..... His day starts with Win's photo which he clicked in their wedding. He also have a photo of Light in his bedroom . He wanted to leave his life as a single person and that's how he is doing it. Though he cut every single connection with Win but he still try to search for his information about what he is doing.... Where he is living or what Light is doing. But he can't find a single information. It horrified him the most it's like Win is living in underground .

Bright's company have already make a huge popularity his father is also proud of him so his brother. Every month Bright's brother August meet Bright and Bright changed a lot..... Bright started to talk with his brother more.... Bright started to feel about his family.... Ever day he talked with his parents and he is not the same Bright anymore. The people works under him is also pleased to have a CEO like him. He helps every single person with his all heart. In this two years Bright really learned to love .... Not for Win but for everyone.

Bright was checking some papers in his office room suddenly he heard a knock.

'Come in..... '

'Bright.... It's me... '

'Ohh phi August..... Come come.... Please have a sit.... '

'Cling cling.... '
Bright rings the bell which indicates his office maid to visit his room.

'Yes Sir.... How can I help you'

'Bring to cups of coffee.... One with sugar one without sugar..... '

'Okay sir... '

'So.... How are you Mr CEO..... '

'I am fine phi.... What about you.... And what about sister in law..... '

'All are doing fine.... '

'That's good to hear..... Why didn't you bring dad with you.... He haven't visit me for so many months'

'Dad is busy with some papers.... So I thought about visit on my own.... Oh I'll go back today..... I have some urgent issues.... One more thing Bright when you are going to visit our home huh.... Mom is dying to meet you '

'Home..... I don't want to go there phi '

'Why Bright..... What's the problem '

'I.... Just.... '

'Okay I understand..... Win right... If Win is the reason.... Why don't you two just make up huh.... What's the big deal Bright..... You two love each other still you guys are acting like this.... I don't understand your love.... Seriously '

'I can't face him anymore.... I have already hurt him.... I snatched his freedom.... I snatched his dream.... I, myself is the reason of the sadness in his life..... He cried a lot for me when he should have smile .... I just can't think about this more..... And also Phi we can't even found anything about him.... You tried your best to search for him '

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