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'Win I know I shouldn't have ask this to you.... I am being selfish actually.... Win.... Can you marry my son as soon as possible..... I know you have the right to choose the decision..... But today I want to share you something very important about Bright which I always tried to hide from everyone but I think you have the right to know it..... Win.... Bright is not like others..... He has a problem and it's called Obsession. When he was ten years old we found it out we thought he is just naughty but it turns out he have this problem and it triggered because of us. After he born we didn't give him much attention we even send him to the boarding school when he was just eight years old.... One day in the holiday time when he came back home we found out about it. He already have this obsession thing in his mind but it turns out bigger when we placed a wall between him and us then it hits him and he thought about snatching everything anyhow it's possible. To make him normal from it we try to give him everything we could but it turns out wrong..... We make him more obsessed over things even in small things. The day he saw you..... You directly came to me and asked me about marrying you... He didn't even know you properly back then but he already set the thing in his mind that he will make you his one and only. We didn't stop him cause we thought it's his time to beloved by someone but it came out you have to go through the same situation maybe more bad than us..... Look Win son..... Bright have already attempted suicide it's not the thing I am asking your hands for him but I am asking him to protect him.... I can't see him like a dead person I also know you love him that's why I am giving you this proposal..... Hope you will understand '

'Uncle I love him so much and I'll not let him do this mistake again.... I know he just need someone who can make him realize what is good what is not.... In this time if I tell him that I will not marry him I am sure he will kill himself but it will not happen..... It will be the last time that he is going to do something out of his obsession I promise this to you.... I'll try to change him..... '

'Thank you Win..... I'll be always grateful to you.... I just want you two to be happy your happiness is my son's and my son's is yours..... Take care of him Win ... '

'Yes I will.... Uncle.... '

'Don't call me uncle now.... Call me father or dad.... You are my son in law now '

Win nodded after hearing those words from Bright's father's mouth. Bright knows the decision he is taking it will change so many lifes but it is gonna happen soon or later..... So he was totally ready. He is not doing it because Bright took the decision but he is doing it cause he serious love Bright and for the last time he is going to listen Bright's words.
Win moved his eyes towards the room.... Which is Bright's and he can see Bright is standing there..... All the time Bright was standing there with so much curiosity about what is father and Win was discussing..... Bright wanted to know it but Win stopped him by giving him so many reasons. When he saw Bright still looking at him with so much questions in his head he gave him a smile.... Bright replied the smile..... Win knows his one reaction can change Bright's whole mood. Win excused himself and leave the place to meet Bright. As he enter Bright's room.... Bright suddenly hugged him.....

'Phi Bright.... What happened '

'I was missing you...... '

'Huhhhh.... Missing me but I was just some meters away from you.... '

'I still was missing you.... What you two discussed about.... Is Dad planning something really bad behind my back '

'Huhh.... '
Win break the hug and meet Bright's eyes which was shining with innocence. Win can feel the innocence in his whole face.... Though anyone can say that Bright is not something like this but Win is really close and he can tell that Bright is just like a baby in a mature body. Win sighed......

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