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'Wait what..... You are telling me that Bright and You are in a relationship..... Wtfffff Metawin...... '

'I know Mix I didn't tell you.....but I am sorry..... '

'You know Win.... Today when I entered the university everyone was uttering one word..... Bright and Win are officially dating.... I was shocked, I thought Bright again did something but now everything is clear..... Tell me Win.... Are you serious about it'

'Mix.... I am serious..... I thought I don't have any kind of feelings for him but I was totally wrong and I think no one can took care of me the way phi Bright could '

'I know it.... But.... Bright is kind of you know possessive.... And it's not even normal.... You remember how he react when you and him were not even in a relationship..... And now you are official.... I am just thinking about your freedom Win '

'Yes.... I even talked about it with phi Bright.... He said he will never stop me in my work or anything that I love.... '

'If you are happy then it's okay Win.... But I left university for some days and this huge things happened.... My God.... Metawin you are really something'

'Hahahaha........ '

Mix and Win were laughing.... It's been a long time they were together again.... Suddenly Win spotted Bright coming towards him with a dark facial expressions. As Bright came in front of him........

'Win.... Let's go....'

'Where phi Bright'

'Something really urgent.... Just let's go '

Win awkwardly say bye to Mix and leave the place with Bright. While walking Bright suddenly grab his hands and he started to walk fast...

'Phi Bright..... Where are we going'

'Don't worry Win I'll not take you somewhere... Where you doesn't want to go..... Just walk fast with me '

'Okay..... '

Then Bright and Win reach the parking lot.... Bright open his car door for Win and ask him to sit.... Bright went to the driver sit then start the engine. In a moment they reach Bright's home. Win was kind of confused why suddenly they come here......both of them were in the house and Bright was still grabbing Win's hands..... Win can see the nervousness in Bright's face but he can't find out what was in his mind. Suddenly Win saw Bright's father coming down from the stairs.

'Dad........ '

'Yes.... Bright what's the matter '

'Dad..... Look I'll go straight to the point.... You see him...... This is Win..... You have already met him in the party... He is the son of your lawyer....... And the main thing is I want to marry him '

'What..... '
Both of them ( Mr Vachirawit chivaree and Win) shouted together.

'What are you saying..... You are still young Bright.... And I have already told you that at first your big brother going to marry someone then you..... '

'I can't wait this much..... '

'What are you upto huh..... You know he is Mr opas- Iamkajorn's son..... Do you think they are going to say yes to you.... Just look at him..... He is also a young boy....... You are Win right... '

'Yes uncle..... '

'Win don't mind my son..... He is.... '

'What I am huh...... I love Win and I want to marry him that's all.... What's wrong with it..... '

'You love him then just date him..... Years later you can marry him.... '

'Don't you understand dad..... Damn.... '

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