Before the End

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Tom braced for impact. He was almost distracted by Black when a crucio was thrown at him.

But it never came. He saw Lucius Malfoy shooting spell after spell at Peter who was in no league to fight a pure blood heir. He returned his attention to Black.

" Sectumsemphara " he yelled a curse he had seen in Severus' notebook. Black fell on the floor with a giant slash across his chest.He quickly ran inside the shack. There on the floor was Severus Snape. James was above a naked Severus clearly startled by the sudden disruption. " Potter" . He growled.

James was not quick enough to take his wand. Tom threw a body binding spell at him. He pushed James away from his Severus and covered the unconscious male with his coat.

He carried Severus outside. Lucius had already treated Black's wounds and tied  them up. Narcissa stood next to him.

" I am really sorry for my stupid behaviour. I have already found my mate and I believe you and Severus are the main reason for that. "

Tom smiled at the Slytherin duo.

He saw the  Hogwarts Professors along with Dumbledore running towards them. The moment they reached him, Professor McGonagall started gushing over the bruised Griffindors.

Dumbledore turned towards him. " Using of a dark curse is not acceptable. You will face the court. "

Tom scoffed at the head master. " I didn't cast the spell. It was Peter. You can check his wand if necessary. "

" Now, now. Griffindors would never do that."

" Well yeah. My lawyers would speak with you. Right now, I need to take my mate to the hospital. " Tom glared at the adults and walked away.


James, Peter and Sirius was sent to Askaban.

Remus and the Potters had sent their apologies while Blacks had even suggested a part of their wealth as a compensation for their son's action.

Severus was yet to wake up. Tom sat next to Severus.

" I am so sorry Sev. I should have listened to you. Once you wake up, if you still take me, then  I promise you we will get engaged again."

Silence followed.

Tom got up to leave. But a fragile hand stopped him.

" N-no" Severus managed to say with sour throat.

Tom's face was filled with both happiness and disappointment.

" Let's get married please. "

I Am Glad He Rejected You.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora