The groom.

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' Crack '

Tom apparated immediately.

" Serves you right Riddle " James screamed at the empty space where Tom stood moments ago. He turned to Severus. " I am really sorry Severus. What I did was wrong, I apologize for that. I am so fucking happy you stood up for me, for us. " He pulled Severus into a hug.

Severus squirmed away from his holds. " I think I need time Potter. Just leave me "

James smiled widely at Severus and left the class.

" Um, Sev? Are you alright?"

Lily asked Severus who was still staring at the empty space. For a moment he forgot that Lily was there. " I am not sure ".

" I think I should go ". He said before scurrying over to his dorms.


Tom was devastated. He felt so ashamed of himself. Who wouldn't? Taking somebody's mate was the most horrible thing in the world. He couldn't believe he as trying to take someone's mate.

He did think that he had a chance to get with his childhood crush. He should have understood that all Severus' attempt to keep him away was in hope of going back to his mate. He forced him into a marriage and even kissed him Infront of his mate.

Tom was back in the manor in Switzerland. He was sitting in the study with head in his hand.

Ever since he was a kid, he was taught the importance of the significant other. He grew up seeing the love his parents shared. He wanted that for himself. He had always loved the little neko and his eleven year old self wished Severus to be his one day. However, he soon understood that Nekos always had mates while vampires didn't. That means, Severus already had someone.

But then he got rejected, Tom was hopeful.

But not anymore.

The engagement they had, had a lot of demands. One of that was the freedom of breaking it. If the said bride wanted to go back to his or her mate, the engagement breaks itself.
Tom gazed at his empty finger, the ring was gone, meaning Severus wanted to go back to his mate.

" Tom? "

His mother.

" Hello mother "

" It's okay " She said, running hands through her son's hair.
" It's not meant to be "

Tears rolled down his eyes. He silently cried in his mother's arms.

After two hours.

" Prince had sent their apologies. "

Tom just nodded.

" They are truly sorry "

He nodded again.

" They believe that Severus wasn't aware of the terms of the contract "

" I don't care. "

" Son. You loved that kid since forever. You are going to let him go like that ?"

" What do you think of me mother. I am not a monster who wish to take someone's mate just because I don't have one. And see this- he pointed at his finger- it's gone."

He broke down again.

" Just ask them to give documents and cut off the blood tie. Also send them apologies for meddling in their son's matter. "

" Are you sure?"

" Yes mom. It alright. I will live " he smiled at his mom and decided to continue the paper work he was supposed to do.

In another life maybe we will be together .

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