The Engagement

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" You are getting engaged"

Severus was already expecting this.

' Not with Lucius Malfoy".

This earned a surprised look from Severus.

" You see Malfoy did approach with the old binding. Lucius just want your body and money, he would never love you and there is a possibility that he was going to join Grindelwald. So we did the only thing that we could, look for solutions. We found the the Prince family actually had a marriage contract with the Riddle family. But it soon died out as they moved to Switzerland."

" So you guys contacted them". Severus didn't know whether to be happy or sad. He was happy that he no longer wanted to care about Lucius, at the same time he was anxious.

" Severus, we didn't have a choice. We didn't want you to be a slave to the Malfoy and this was the only thing I could think of doing. The Riddles are more trustworthy than the Malfoys. We are really sorry Sev"

" It's okay dad. I can understand your situation. When an I getting engaged"

" Tomorrow"

He gave a soft smile to his dad and walked out of the study towards his room. Once inside he cast a silencing charm and screamed, he screamed his heart out.

He just screamed.

The day of engagement was slow. Slower than a snail. All Severus did was greet the guests. He hadn't met his fiancé. There were just rumors about this mysterious guy. He just prayed that his soon to be husband was not a baggy man in his thirties smelling like rotting cigarettes.

" Hello Severus". He spun his heals to see a woman in her late thirties smiling fondly at him.

" I am you future mother in law"

Severus was caught off-guard.

" I know Severus, I know that you don't like this and is doing this out if force. But still I wish you and my son to a beautiful life together"

" Where is he then?"

" Will be here soon"

Severus wondered where his life was taking him.


He heard his papa calling him.

" It's time"

He walked to the center of the ball room. He just saw a man, dressed in black, standing next to his place in the aisle.

" Fiancé" Severus scoffed in his mind.

He stood next to him and never even made an effort to look at the other guy's face. However he felt the other guy studying his face with- fondness? He heard some people muttering some spells.. Everything happened so quickly , the rings were exchanged and the binding was done. He was practically married to a stranger. Severus wasted no time in getting off the platform and running upstairs. Right now he didn't care about pure blood etiquette. He got inside his room and slammed it shut. He removed his white coat and fell face first to his bed.

He didn't know how much time he slept like that.

He just slept. He slowly opened his eyes to see another man sitting at the edge of the bed.

" Ughh, excuse me"

The stranger didn't move.

" I was disappointed."


" I wanted to be your mate"

Well that's new.

" Forgive me if I offend you. I am glad your mate rejected you. He doesn't know what he is missing"

" Could you please at least introduce yourself"

He heard a low chuckle.

The stranger slowly turned. Bright Blue eyes with crimson streaks gazed at him. His wavy Brown hair beautifully arranged. He was wearing a green tuxedo that show off his broad shoulders and fit chest. The guy was good looking.

" You know you should actually look at your husband's face when you exchange the ring."

Just great.

"Do you mind if I sleep here tonight"

"Yes , I do mind".

" I was expecting that. It was worth trying anyway. Bye babe"

A light blush crept into his neck. But we are going to think that was because of the temperature and nothing else.



Who do you want to pair Newt with? I am not familiar with any shippings related to him and I like to bring multiships in my story. So comment.

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