The Mate

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The classes were interesting. But he had already studied all of them. Still he attended every class with Severus.

Tom knew that potions was his favourite subject. But he wasn't much interested in the potions professor. That guy could pass for a pedophile with all the creopy smiles he gave to pureblood children.

That year, the Griffindors had potions with Slytherin. Both the parties were not happy about that arrangement. Tom watched as his husband scribbled rapidly in the parchment.

James Potter was sitting three rows behind Severus and Tom. He was glaring holes into Tom's head. Sirius and Remus looked questioningly at James, Severus was nothing to him. And he was the one who humiliated him in front of everyone. What's his problem now?

Tom was aware of eyes on him. He saw James Potter glaring at him. Tom smirked. Riddles had always known for their possessiveness.

Tom snaked an arm around Severus' shoulders and pulled him closer. The particular Slytherin was engrossed in his potion, he did not notice.

Tom watched as James cheeks flushed a darker shade of red.


As the class finished, Tom dragged Severus away. Before they even made it to the door, they were stopped by the same red haired girl.

" Hey Sev."

" Lily?"

Tom looked questioningly at the said girl. " Who is this babe?"

Severus shot him a glare. " This is my friend, Lily Evans"

Lily smiled sweetly at him. " And you are?"

" Tom Riddle. His husband"

Lily's eyes widened. " God, Sev, I can't believe you didn't tell me. First of all congratulations. I mean you deserve someone and that someone is not a jerk like Potter. And second-

" Wait a minute. Why is Potter included inthis?"

Lily smiled sheepishly before shooting an apologetic smile at Sev. " You didn't tell him ?"

" Tell me what?"

" That I am his mate". James Potter interrupted them. He stood next to Severus. " I am his mate. We just had a misunderstanding. That's all. It's actually you, who is making all these unnecessary problems "

Tom was fuming now. That guy had the audacity to call Severus his . He was only ex-mate for god's sake.

" Don't even try Potter. You rejected him and it's over. That one is going to be married to me"

" Shut the hell up. You are behind him, just for his body. I am his mate and he is rightfully mine. " James retroted back.

" He is not an object to be owned Potter. Get that into your thick skull. "

James scoffed. " What are you doing here then?. You are just showing your sadistic behaviour, you knew that guy would be someone's, so why bother. "

" I didn't care. I loved him and I knew he had a mate. But you rejected him. " Tom was screaming by now.

" He doesn't love you. The whole thing is an arrangement. You know that if he takes me back, your vow will break, because you are not yet bonded. ". James said with a wide smirk on his face.

" What the fuck did you say Potter?" Tom aimed his wand at James. His eyes were fully red now. His fangs elongated.

" You can't harm him Tom!"

Suddenly Severus stood Infront of James. To say Tom's creature was hurt was an understatement. The human part of him was different from the vampire part. The vampire one as more sensitive and soft. Right now, he was completely in his vampire form.

" Why is that?"

" Because -"

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